P3(sqeaks) had his CT scan at the University of Iowa Hospital this - TopicsExpress


P3(sqeaks) had his CT scan at the University of Iowa Hospital this morning, it was only a thirty second procedure...they put his IV in & he cried, it was numb but i think he didnt like being held down...they sedated him & he took the rest like a champ...he was hungry & ate 3 ready to fed bottles, he also snuggled Mommy afterward...we had another appt today too, we got the results back of the scan...this is what makes me sad, the mass has gotten bigger & he has to have surgery...he has surgery August 11th & they might have to take out part of his lung, if they cant do it without messing up the tub that helps him breath in his lung then they will take it all...i am a worried momma right now, my squeaks has to have surgery at 3 months old...Mommy loves you squeaks, hugs & kisses little man
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:36:33 +0000

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