PANDEMONIUM AT THE PDP OGUN STATE SECRETARIAT AS GUNMEN STORMS PARTY SECRETARIAT IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE DAY... VENUE: PDP OGUN STATE SECT TIME: 5:00am DATE: 7TH DEC 2014. THE ACTION FILM.... Not fewer than 50 gunmen stormed the state Secretariat of the PDP(Ogun) as it was discovered that some members of the Buruji Kashamu led faction conducted an unconstitutional, illegal, unapproved and unaccepted primaries election in the middle of the night/early hours of today. This malicious and selfish Act was carried out by ghost, unapproved and unknown delegates who claim to be the registered delegates of the party. Caterers were seen cooking for the so-called hungry delegates in that odd hour. THE RESCUE MISSION.... Members of our team got a red alert by 3:30am of the preposterous act being committed by these set of ignorant old fools. We immediately set all mercenaries in place to ensure that such act does not see the light of the day. All thanks to men of the Nigerian Police Force for their swift response to our call ensuring that the situation is under control. Hon Jelili Kayode Amusan a leading gubernatorial aspirant of the party amongst other strong contenders also came with their team of security operatives to burst the situation and also ensure that the voices of the Ogun indigenes are heard and that no form of imposition is allowed in the party primaries. The primary election was scheduled to hold today by 11:00am at the party secretariat but a new venue has hereby been fixed for the primaries later today. The new venue shall be OK events centre by 10:00am today. Photo evidences and video footage of the early morning outburst shall be posted soon.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:35:44 +0000

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