PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS (MATT.Ch.25 vv 1-13) Then shall the - TopicsExpress


PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS (MATT.Ch.25 vv 1-13) Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins,which took their lamps,and went forth to meet the bribegroom(v1) Here find a parable of ten virgins who went out to meet the bribegroom.In this passage the bribegroom speaks of Jesus Christ Who is the Husband of the Church.He has promised to come back to receive His bribe one day and we can be sure that He will for He left us an earnest (a guarantee) which is the Holy Spirit Who indwells every true Child of God.Throughout the scriptures oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.I want you to understand this..oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.This is important to know to be able to understand this parable of the ten virgins.For there are some who believe that all ten virgins were true believers but 5 were left behind because some how they lost their salvation.But here I will point you to the proper understanding of this.For even though their are ten virgins not all ten were of the bribe of the Bribegroom.If anyone ever questioned this parable I hope to help you understand it. First we do see that there are ten virgins..This may sound as if all ten are pure and ready for the bribegrooms return,but Jesus knows those who are His and those who only profess to be His.We see in verse 2 that five are called foolish and five are called wise.This is the first indicator that not all ten were true believers for nowhere in scripture does God refer to His people as foolish.This term foolish is only used to identify the lost.Also in verse 3 it says that the foolish took their lamps,and took NO OIL with them.Again remember that OIL represents the Holy Spirit so again we see that these five foolish virgins did not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But the wise virgins do have oil (v.4),they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.. This alone already shows that not all ten were true believers but I just want to make even more clear so that we can have a proper understanding.I know most of you may already know this but I have met some people who think that this passage of scripture teaches that a true believer can lose their salvation,so I just want to help anyone that may be struggling with this passage to come to a proper understanding...Its important that we all have a proper understanding of all that we are able to from Gods Word and no one is unimportant to me or to God so lets continue. While the bridegroom tarried,they ALL slumbered and slept(v.5).Here many are drawn to focus on the sleeping virgins when we should focus on the tarrying bribegroom..why? because we see here that Jesus (the Bribegroom) gives time for all those who God the Father has given Him to come to Him (John 6:37).God is not willing that any of these should perish(2Pet.3:9).And at midnight the there was a cry a made,Behold the Bridegroom comes,go ye out to meet Him(v.6).At midnight is to say that Jesus return will be sudden at a time that no one knows.Then ALL those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the FOOLISH said to the WISE,Give us of your oil;for our lamps are gone out(vv.7-8).Notice they ALL rose up but the foolish had no oil and they asked the wise to share their oil with them.And so it is in real life there are many who believe that just because their parents are truly saved that they can share of their parents Spirit which indwells them,but we all must come to a personal faith and trust in Jesus Crist.We must have our own oil.We all must have the indwelling of The Holy Spirit to be accepted by the Bribegroom that is coming soon! So the wise said no you must have your own oil and the foolish went to buy some oil (vv.9-10a).Here again we see these foolish virgins doing what many in the churches try to do.They try to BUY their part/place in heaven.Some actually give lots of money to the church in hope that they may gain entry to the marriage of the Lamb.Others try to buy their way in by doing good works.Others try to buy their way in by adherence to the Laws of God.Others try to buy their way in through service and ministry.And although all these are good things that ALL True Believers are to do NONE of that will earn you or buy you an invitation to the marraige of the Lamb.None of these things will save you.Only faith (total trust and reliance) in Jesus Christ can save you! We see that while the foolish went to try to buy oil the Bribegroom came and took the five wise virgins who had oil (The Holy Spirit) and the door was shut (v.10b).Then the foolish came knocking on the door saying Lord,Lord open to us but He answered and said TRULY TRULY,I say unto you,I KNOW YOU NOT(vv.11-12).We see that in this whole parable not once is it said nor implied that the five foolish were ever true believers.They were only professors but not possessors of Christ.These were goats among the sheep,tares among the wheat.Jesus tells them that He did not know them this is clearly meaning that they were not,nor ever were,His sheep! Who was Jesus speaking to when He shared this parable?We see that He was infact speaking to HIs disciples (ch.24) and we do see that Jesus ends this parable with a stern warning Watch therefore,for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh...And we are to be diligent,vigilant,and watchful,but it is not because we can lose our salvation!It is because while here on earth,as we await His return,we are commanded to serve Him,to evangelize the world!To make disciples and to teach them to obey all things that Jesus has commanded (Matt.28:19-20).But if you do get slothful you wont lose you salvation but you will lose the rewards that He has for us like the ones referred to in 1 Cor.3:10-15..But salvation we cannot and will not lose.First notice that ALL TEN VIRGINS SLEPT (v5) but the five wise virgins (the 5 true believers) still went in to the marriage of the Lamb.Also 1 Cor.3:15 says;if any mans work shall be burned,he shall suffer loss:BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED.. Nowhere does the scriptures teach or even imply that a TRUE BELIEVER can or will lose their salvation.NOWHERE!!! By:Edward J.Navarro
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:18:22 +0000

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