PASSIVE NON-RESISTANCE IS A JOKE...BAD JOKE....GOD COMMANDS NOBODY TO BE A SISSY. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. PASSIVE NON-RESISTANT CHRISTIANITY IS NOWHERE TAUGHT IN THE BIBLE. A Brother...Street Preacher... OBJECTS to my suggestion and plain statements regarding ISLAM and the FACT that the ONLY THING THEY UNDERSTAND IS GREATER FORCE TO RESIST THEIR FORCE. He sent me a VIDEO to teach me PASSIVITY. I did NOT watch it....MY REPLY AND COMMENTS, on the subject, are BELOW--- __________________________________________________________ I didnt watch your video as I already KNOW that God does NOT require any Christian to stand passively by as MONSTERS OF INIQUITY come to the house to RAPE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN AND THEN CUT THEIR HEADS OFF...Are you going to sit on the sofa and WATCH as they RAPE your sons, daughters, and wife...then BEHEAD THEM. If your answer is YES or Ill just trust God then I feel very sorry for you and the fact that you somehow believe your actions would be BIBLICAL....Jesus commanded His disciples...after He was raised from the GO BUY A SWORD. Every commentator, worth his salt, will say that this was for the purpose of SELF DEFENSE, in their travels, to protect themselves against ROBBERS AND WILD ANIMALS. Surely you do NOT interpret TURN THE OTHER CHEEK as instruction to let MUSLIMS have their way with YOUR FAMILY, SELF, OR COUNTRY ??? Some years ago, now, there was an entire tribe of Indians, in South America, who were won to JESUS....Afterward, Militia Militants, would sweep down from the mountains upon this Christian Tribe and RAPE THEIR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS and TAKE THEIR SONS AS SLAVES....Richard Wurmbrand, Romanian Pastor, who wrote the book TORTURED FOR CHRIST, and was the founder and president of VOICE OF THE MARTYRS MINISTRY, heard about this Indian Tribe and their sufferings ....SO HE, THROUGH HIS MINISTRY FUNDS, SENT THEM AK-47 RIFLES TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES AND TRIBE....The very next time the MILITIA from the mountains came to RAPE AND PILLAGE they were met by WELL ARMED CHRISTIAN MEN WHO MOWED THEM DOWN AND THE ONES WHO ESCAPED BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS ---NEVER CAME BACK AGAIN---AND THAT TRIBE IS STILL LIVING IN --PEACE AND QUIET. PASSIVE CHRISTIANITY IS A BAD JOKE AND NOWHERE COMMANDED IN THE BIBLE....Ive been PUNCHED, KICKED, SLAPPED, SPIT UPON, DRINKS THROWN ON ME, AND OBJECTS HURLED AT ME, AND ARRESTED AND THROWN IN JAIL---WHILE PREACHING THE GOSPEL---I DID NOT RETALIATE BUT KEPT ON PREACHING....NOT THE SAME STORY WHEN IT COMES TO THE DEFENSE OF FAMILY, AND NATION AGAINST WILD RAPING MURDERING DEMON POSSESSED CRAZED RELIGIOUS MANIACS...If our CHRISTIAN FOREFATHERS had been PACIFISTS you and I would have NEVER grown up FREE PEOPLE....same goes for all of out HEROES that FOUGHT in WW1 ...WW2...and EVERY OTHER WAR that was necessary to DEFEND home and country. David TRUSTED GOD. Then he picked up his SLING and SHOT GOLIATH IN THE HEAD and then CUT OFF HIS HEAD.....ALL ISRAEL REJOICED AS GOD GAVE THE VICTORY. There is a TIME to be still. There is a TIME to FIGHT. Ecclesiastes 3: 1, more thing...You mention LOVING YOUR ENEMY....well and good....LOVING YOUR FAMILY AND COUNTRY would TRUMP any twisting of Scripture to suggest that LOVING YOUR ENEMY would entail PASSIVITY as said ENEMY rings your door bell to inform you hes there to RAPE YOUR WIFE AND KIDS AND THEN BEHEAD THEM, AS YOU WATCH, RIGHT BEFORE THEY DO THE SAME TO YOU....DUH !!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:54:37 +0000

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