PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE CRAZY COMMENTS LIKE THIS ABOVE COMMENT FROM DINA. IT IS A COMMON CIA DOD TACTIC KNOWN AS MISDIRECTION DESIGNED TO DISTRACT THE READER OR HEARER AND DISCREDIT THE POST BY MAKING CRAZY COMMENTS SO THT THE POST ITSELF APPEARS CRAZY. They have engaged in this tactic for years to discredit all targeted individuals. Because they know people would ask the question why would the NSA even need to do such a thing. They have to do it because if people believe their atrocities are happening they are in trouble. They couldnt set me up and frame me, though they tried many times, so they decided to kill me by making my death appear as a natural cause (stroke, heart attack, etc.) PAY NO ATTENTION TO THESE TRIVIAL AND PALTRY TACTICS They do it to establish PLAUSIBLE DENIABILTY. NOW THAT I HAVE DOCUMENTED THEIR ATTACKS LANDED ME IN THE HOSPITAL THEY WILL NOT ONLY CONTINUE THE DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON ATTACKS TARGETING MT HEART AND LUNGS BUT INCREASE THE ATTACKS ON MY HEART AND LUNGS AS WELL AS BRAIN AND ESPECIALLY EARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING PLAUSIBE DENIABILITY. CIA/NSA OPERATIVES MASQUERADE ON FACEBOOK AS NORMAL PEOPLE TO DESTROY DISCREDIT OTHER PEOPLE Pay no attention to the nonsensical, insane, comical, angry, etc., comments of govt. perp internet trolls designed to discredit the targeted individual so you will not believe the truth and know their horrific crimes against humanity are happening. They have to discredit me because CIA is caught in an audio recording committing multiple felonies after I secretly recorded them and turned that recording intoan attorney before I subsequently fled the USA. The CIA/NSA operatives have a daily contingency plan and daily protocol in place to daily destroy the credibility of the targeted individual. If the target does THIS then CIA/DoD operatives will do THAT and if the target does THAT then CIA/DoD operatives will do THIS. They have a daily protocol in place to daily destroy the credibility of the targeted individual on a daily basis. So, the y wage a massive CYBER-OFFENSIVE against the target to spread misinformation and disinformation. Dont fall for it. What these animals fear most of all is being exposed. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans are being unknowingly targeted with this technology. It is the greatest human rights travesty in American History. Pay attention to this stuff! Google Targeted Individuals and you will see the truth for yourself. Whistle blower is stunned by the sheer MAGNITUDE of energy effort, manpower, time, money, logistics, additional personnel, etc., going into trying to destroy his credibility on a daily basis. It is so MONSTROUS an operation it is STUNNING to witness! These disruption tactics are designed to destroy the credibility of the targeted individual and are daily and constant so that when the target finally is able to upload the video to Youtube FB, etc., then people will say my complaints were frivolous. What they do not understand is that the CIA/NSA operatives constantly work off of If & Then algorithyms. If the target does THIS then CIA/NSA operatives will do THAT and if the target does THAT then CIA/NSA operatives will do THIS. Everythng is based off of If & Then. So, the target is forced to document it is happening to prove his case. However, as soon as the target does this the CIA/NSA operatives will turn right around and do the exact opposite. Hence, the targeted individual is caught in a Catch-22. If he does not complain it is happening and document it online then the disruption tactics will never end, but if he does complain and document it online then the CIA/NSA operatives will just do the exact opposite, or something different, so as to destroy credibility of targeted individual. Again, these are constant disruption tactics designed to destroy credibility of targeted individual. As soon as the target complains they turn around and do the exact opposite, or something different, to destroy the targets credibility by making his complaints appear frivolous. Hence, NSA operatives are constantly engineering these If & Then scenarios all for the purpose of establishing Plausible Deniability for themselves while simultaneously rendering the complaints of the targeted individual that it is happening to appear as frivolous, This is important to the CIA/NSA operatives because if they can make the trivial complaints of the targeted individual appear frivolous, then the more serious complaints of the target must also appear frivolous. You see, by constantly engaging in these Trivial & Paltry tactics, it makes the complaints by the targeted individual that they are happening look, by default, Trivial & Paltry. Great emphasis is placed on confusing the targeted individual so that he/she makes mistakes and discredits themselves, which will absolutely happen because in addition to all of these massive disruption tactics, the targeted individual, like me, is subjected to the most brutal inhumane torture imaginable causing them to have to work and function through severe pain and trauma on a daily basis. If it is not them and they are not doing these things then why the constant daily disruption and confusion tactics? Because it is them. I do not possess the technical skill or expertise to counter their constant, daily, high tech magic tricks on my computer. What they do is a game of deception and manipulation, combined with torture and murder of activists, whistle blowers, etc. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not believe anything their system interrogates you about as truth. Deception & Manipulation! CIA and NSA are masters at it and it comes in one of three forms every time 1. DISINFORMATION (LIES). 2. MISINFORMATION (HALF TRUTHS). 3. MISDIRECTION.(DIVERSION TACTICS TO DISTRACT). LOOK FOR THEM TO INCREASE ATTACKS ON INTERNAL ORGANS NOW TO ESTABLISH PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 19:54:50 +0000

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