PDP: TIME TO EMBRACE CHANGE. BY TOROBONG EKPO. It is ridiculous and pathetic to know that, the same delegates list that was discountenanced as fake by the state chapter of Peoples Democratic Party, was uncommonly read by 5am on AKBC as original delegates list, as well as used as modus operandi for yesterday’s House of Assembly primaries. I am yet to confirm if that was the original list sent from Wadata Plaza, because at the eve of the Primaries, Uyo residents received two bulk text messages, the first one read, ‘BREAKING NEWS: Governor Akpabio has offered PDP Primaries Panel from Abuja the sum of two Billion naira to dump the official list brought from Abuja and use the fake list Obong Paul Ekpo has denied to conduct the primaries, PDP members, please take note.’ The second one was, ‘Gov. Akpabio is currently reading fake list on AKBC Radio. He should paste the list at the party office as the guideline says. 2billion is working but God will shock money soon.’ These two allegations may not have clear-cut evidence(s); since we are yet to see the original list sent from Abuja or view the receipt of 2 billion naira given to the panel by the governor. But one allegation appears to be true. Yes. The ADHOC delegates list is the same the leadership of PDP described as fake when it was published on the internet and newspapers. Why the sudden acceptance as original, barely 72 hours after by the same leadership of the party? Could they have played ‘ojoro’ with the mindset of politicians and peoples ambition? These are questions still lingering in people’s memories. Such issues may be propaganda, it may also be truth. I don’t intend to delve into such argument. We need to wait for the outcome of all the primaries. I am still imagining, even if we want to admit any list as original or fake, will our conscience accept that there was ADHOC delegates’ election on 1st November in all the wards in our dear state? If there wasn’t then where did we get the delegates list signed by Paul Ekpo and Balowalo? I hope this question may be asked the duo on the judgment day. what do you think? The leadership of PDP, if they were considerate ought to have listened to the various complaint by co-contenders regarding delegates list in the state before going extra miles. Though, I am fully convinced that, the published list may not give credence to who will be the next parliamentarian or governor of the state. We are witnessed to the fact that, leadership comes from God. In this same country, we have watched where someone died as president, parliamentarian and local government chairman while in office, even when they were imposed on people. Haven’t we seen when politician died in this state before his swearing in? Would you attribute those instances as the handiwork of God? No! It is not, the bible clearly stated that, God’s thought for us is to give us an expected end. From all indications, this present tussle is aimed at uplifting and glorifying God’s name. In House of Assembly election, we witnessed a lot of surprises, in almost all the venues in the state. Isn’t it a surprise to see that, Hon. Friday Iwok, of Abak State constituency won despite being rejected by Abak ‘self-acclaimed elders?’ Though, who knows if his name will be later substituted to fit into the imagination of Abak Elders and ‘the powers that be’? Another shocker was the re-emergence of Hon. Onofiok Luke of Nsit Ubium, the emergence of Hon. Akpan Usoh of Esit Eket/Ibeno against all odds. This to me is a testimony to the fact that, Man proposes, God disposes. Next weekend national assembly primaries will also surprise a lot of people. Let’s watch out! Leadership of any organization ought to be given to men and women of proven integrity, who say what they mean and mean what they say. However, in Nigeria, especially under the leadership of PDP the reverse is always the case. Here, we see a leadership who reject and accept a ‘fake’ delegate list. In 2007, shortly after the former military administrator of Rivers and Ogun states, Group Captain Sam Enwang (RTD) decamped from Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), he said during a media chat that, after spending 250 million naira in PDP nomination, he realized that, PDP is the acronym for ‘People Deceive People’, ‘People Duped People’, ‘People Destroy People’. He carefully listed the various injustices meted upon him by the then leadership of PDP and concluded that, he will pursue his governorship ambition in ANPP. An erstwhile secretary to the state government, Obong Umana Okon Umana who recently embraced All Progressive Congress accused the PDP of advance fee fraud as well as collecting his 11million naira under false pretense. In his argument, he stressed that, after fraudulently collecting 11million naira from him, the Peoples Democratic Party decided to disenfranchise him from its nomination, a case which lawyers say, it is contrary to section 419 of criminal code. The above illustrations are pointers to the fact that all is not well with PDP. The party may have succeeded in improving the lives of citizens, constructing good roads, building hospitals et al. but have they been able to appoint men and women of proven integrity in their leadership positions? I am not a politician, but I am optimistic that, the greatest problem facing PDP is the mindset of its leadership. Many have attributed politics as a dirty game, some accused politicians as dirty sets of people, but I take exception from those ideologies. At least, I have seen clean politicians, even in this state. The outcome of House of assembly primaries across the state may have shown the strength and weakness of PDP. Pundits opine that, opposition party may likely have a field day in Uyo and Uruan state constituencies in the forthcoming election. Anyway, such outcome depends solely on God. I don’t want to deliberate on our mothers who were kidnapped so as to do the bidding of their pay mistress. I can only describe them as good fools because it is only a competent fool that can take such risk for peanut. It behooves on the national leadership of PDP to look inward into the constituted delegates list of Akwa Ibom State chapter of PDP with a view of finding lasting solution. The influx of 28,000 PDP members, including elders to APC should not be seen as child’s play. At present, Akwa Ibom State is fade up with nepotism and oligarchy system of government; it is time the leadership of PDP in the national chooses between Injustice and justice. They should choose between change and stagnation. I am optimistic that, the next governor of Akwa Ibom State will be sudden and shocking. Despite all odds, God’s factor will overrule godswill, nepotism and oligarchy system of government. LET’S KEEP FINGERS CROSS.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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