PENALTIES ASSESSED FOR AUGUST 4, 2014 SLM EVENT AT THOMPSON SPEEDWAY: Lap 5 caution - Car 71 Self-penalized: OK === Lap 11 caution - Car 25 Self-penalized: OK === Lap 24 caution - Car 95 (Did not Self Penalize) Penalized two laps and EOL, post-race. === Lap 33 caution - Car 50 Self-penalized: OK === Lap 42 caution - Car 7 (Did not Self Penalize) Penalized two laps and EOL, post-race. === Lap 149 caution - Car 50 Blown Engine - no further penalty === ADDITIONALLY: Lap 13 - Car #6 Retaliates against car #06 causing extensive damage and incident points. The following All-Pro league rule applies: RETALIATION: If you have a problem with another driver, it should be settled after the race, either verbally, via text chat, or in private elsewhere. It will NOT be settled on the race track, nor on pit road during the leagues hosted session. Anyone that retaliates against another driver while on the race track or on pit road during the session will be SUSPENDED for a minimum of two weeks and be placed on 90 days probation. Repeat offenders will be banned from the league for the remainder of the current calendar season, or 90 days, whichever is longer. Definition of retaliation: Clearly, or by admission, a driver goes out of his way to deliberately ram another drivers car as a pay-back for a previous incident between the two drivers. Whether or not damage occurs as a result is not a consideration, rather, the gesture is the offense. Dan Murray is hereby suspended for two weeks, across the board in all All-Pro series, and is on 90-days probation. === Lap 139 - Car 7 intentionally runs into the back of the 30 which caused incident point disqualification. The following All-Pro league rule applies: MAJOR INCIDENT VIOLATIONS: Major Incident Violations are a four-step process towards returning a fully licensed All Pro member back to PROBATIONARY status with the league. Major incident violations include the following: a) Parked by officials for any reason during the race, or after the race. This includes parks due to multiple caution incidents levied post-race. b) Sportsmanship issues, including but not limited to cursing another driver or league admin on the DRIVERS channel or public text chat, and malicious contact with another driver during the race that results in incident points. Cody Gibson is hereby given one Major Incident Strike. === That is all.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:18:44 +0000

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