PERFECT LOVE BELIEVERS CENTRE, BENIN WEDNESDAY SERVICE MESSAGE EXCERPT DATE: 9TH JULY 2014 MESSAGE BY: PASTOR PRESTON IDORO MESSAGE TITLE: SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD (INTRO) God has said to us in PLBC that 2014 is our year of the Mimshach Anointing. Mimshach is the ability to spread and expand. Always ask yourself how mimshach has been working for you. If there is no proof of the word in your life, then you have not been observing to do the word, thinking in line with the word and fellowshipping enough with the word. The word for the month/year is like the focus or vision for that period and there is a full dose of blessing that comes with it. In all you do in that month/year, you must ensure that you make use of the ability of the word. If you are not conscious of the word, you will not get blessed of it. When words are declared, it is important that you take them seriously. The devil will always want to distract you from God’s word. If the devil distracts you away from God’s word, he has taken you away from the blessings of God. The more you hold on to God’s word, the more you will manifest and enjoy the blessings. The word of God is the person of God just as your word is your person. If you read a write-up you wrote several years ago, you will still feel some part of you in that write-up. When you find God’s word anywhere, it is God representing Himself right there. In the book of Daniel, King Belshazzar made a great feast to a thousand of his lords; while they were having this feast, they saw a hand writing on the wall. The king sent for all the wise men but none of them could interpret the handwriting. When Daniel was brought before the king, he was able to interpret the handwriting because the Spirit of God was in him. In Genesis 41, king Pharaoh had a dream and none of his wise men could interpret the dream. When Joseph was brought before the king, he was able to interpret the dream. Joseph and Daniel spoke God’s word to them. When God’s word is spoken, it could confuse the people but those who have the Spirit of God in them cannot be confused. God’s word is peculiar and powerful; you must not joke with it. When a man who has the Spirit of God declares a word, it might not be accurate with fact or time but because an authority in the kingdom has spoken, it becomes so. When God gives you a word, you must hold it strongly. Isaiah 55:11 says “so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Everything that God says will come to pass. In the beginning, God spoke everything that he created to being. If you are sick, God’s word is what you need to heal you. If you can collect one word from God concerning healing, you will be healed. If you can hold on to one word from God concerning prosperity, you will prosper. I’m not talking about reading the bible and knowing what is in it but having an interpretation of what God is saying. It is not just enough to read God’s word but to agree with what the word says; practice and fellowship with the word. You could do the first three things physically and the result might be small but when you fellowship with the word to the extent that the word becomes a part of the same Spirit secretion inside of you. At this point, something must happen. The word for last month was open doors. Even though the month of June is no more, and there is a new word for July, open doors still hasnt expired. What you give attention will determine what you will attract. You could be living in a particular street and not know that there is a house around the street until you begin to give it attention. The result that you find in your life today is a product of the things you’ve been giving attention. The reason some people are local is because they have been giving attention to local things. You will not grow pass the level you see. Some people keep binding devils, casting demons and fighting witches because they believe those things are responsible for their low life whereas they are the ones keeping themselves low because they have refused to see above a certain level. The minute you begin to think and see higher, your life will begin to change. When a word is spoken, it will be wise for you to study around it, think around it, pray with it and fellowship with it. Joshua 1:8 says “this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” No matter where your way was going, you will make your way prosperous. If you were heading wrongly before, the direction will change because the book of the law (i.e. the word of God) is living in you. I know of someone who wanted to travel abroad. He did everything he could do but it did not work. He changed his name and started calling himself Texas. He updated himself with all the happenings in Texas. After a while, he finally traveled to Texas. People told him that it was not possible but he just sowed the seed of a fridge to travel abroad. He got fed up of his location and started thinking outside that location. Idle people can say a lot of things; they can tell you when the rat entered the room and when the rat left; they can tell you when the cockroach flew in and out of the room because they have given their critical attention to stupid things. Smart people give their attention to bigger things and they get bigger result. When you stay around a thing for long, you will begin to see the things you didn’t use to see. When some people enter into an environment, the first thing they do is to look out for the negative things. If you keep looking for negative things, you will certainly find negative things. You will either get discouraged and walk away or get attached to the negative things. There are people who would prefer to see the positive things about a negative situation. They remove their attention from the negative and focus on the positive side. In the same place where champions are made, failures are also made. Some people went to a computer school and all they could learn was computer appreciation. You don’t have to go to a computer school to learn computer appreciation; you could just buy a computer and learn it at home. More than 50% of the people who are going to school are in school to pass exams and not to acquire knowledge. Many people have graduated passing exams but they actually know nothing. The result of your life today is a product of the things you’ve been giving attention. Change the attention to the word of God. If you give the word of God attention, your life must shine. Don’t like anything that is not nice. Some people wear torn clothes in the name of being poor. Even if you are a poor man, you don’t have to wear a torn shirt. It will not cost you so much to stitch it. Wearing a torn shirt is not poverty but negligence. There are some people who can’t wear a cloth that is not ironed because they feel that they are downgrading themselves. If you don’t change your mindset, your life will not make progress. While I was preaching on the mindset series, I told you that one of the biggest sermons that Jesus Christ preached was changing your mindset. When He used the word “repent”, it meant change your mindset. If you don’t change the way you think, you can’t get a different result. It is only a fool that expects the same result from doing one thing over and over again. Until you advance the things that you do, you will not get a better result. A church that teaches you the truth of God’s word is the best church to be in. It is better than a church who prays for you to get a miracle and then you walk away after getting the miracle. Human beings are like tanks that are filled with fuel and certainly, the tank will be empty again. If a miracle is done for you to pay 100 level school fees, there will be 200 level school fees to pay. What happens if the pastor is no longer there or what if the pastor dies? How many times did you see Jesus doing miracles for His disciples? He only did miracles to convince them to follow Him. Miracles are not for believers; they are for unbelievers. Miracles make unbelievers believe that the presence of God or the anointing is around. What about believers? We do the miracles. If your child is dying at night, you don’t need to call the pastor but you need to use what the pastor has taught you to heal your child. What if you try and it does not work? It means you’ve not grown yet. You can call your pastor to help you but you must begin to grow yourself to the extent where you can do it by yourself. Thomas said until he sees Jesus and put his hands in the holes, he will not believe. Jesus said to Thomas: “because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29).” You don’t need to see first before believing. You need to rearrange your mindset and your thinking process. There are some people who have died and discovered that there were lot of things they could have done on earth but they did not do. I refuse to leave earth without exhausting all that I need to exhaust. I don’t want to get to heaven and discover some wisdom and knowledge of God’s word that I ought to have known and manifested on earth. I heard the story of a man who grew up in the slum. His parents dumped him there. He gave himself a name and a surname and today, he is a lawyer. He said there were other people who grew up in the same slum but became criminals. Several people grew up in the same environment but they grew differently. Why? It was because they were looking at different things. While some were getting involved in the wrong things; some others thought of what to do to ensure that their children do not suffer the same things they suffered. When you focus on a particular thing, you will become that focus. What are you looking at? How do you reason? For every place that God has kept you per time, what do you make out of that place? Life is not to be stagnant. God sees the end from the beginning but keeps you in the journey. God is a constant so we can keep changing. Every song done by an unbeliever is not from the devil. The guy might not be spiritual but the song could be spiritual. The donkey that spoke in the bible wasn’t spiritual but God used it. If the people who are spiritual cannot catch the deep things to reveal God’s beauty to the world, then God will give it to anybody. Matthew 22 tells us of a certain king who invited some special guest for his son’s wedding. On the day of the wedding, he sent his servants to call the guest he had invited but they all refused to show up. When the special guest refused to show up, he told his servants to go into the streets and invite everybody they see to the wedding ceremony. And the servants went out and gathered as many as they found. In Acts 2:17, God said: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” God did not say He will pour His spirit upon believers only but upon all flesh. I’m not giving you room to start enjoying secular music because there are some secular songs that are from the pit of hell. When you hear the words, you will know where it is coming from. Most of these secular artists are not born-again hence; they could be possessed by any kind of Spirit. The Holy Spirit could use them to do something and the devil could also use them to do something. That is why you could find them do a good song today and then, they do the opposite tomorrow. Even foolish people could say some wise things sometimes and some wise people could say some foolish things. It is not about who said it but what is been said. If unbelievers can be catching rhema, what are the believers doing? Some unbelievers even think better than some Christians. Luke 16:8 says “for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” Christianity is not a reason for you to be stupid. A Christian should not be dull or stupid; a Christian should be wise. In the New Testament, Paul never classified the seven Spirits of God. Remember that Paul said he heard unspeakable words (2 Corinthians 12:4). He did not write all that he heard but only what he was permitted to write. He left some deeper things for this generation to unravel. If this generation fades away, another generation will come and there will still be deeper things for them to unravel. The 24 elders in heaven see the powerful nature of God and they keep bowing down to worship Him. The revelations of God can never finish; it is progressive. It moves and flows with dispensation. The technology of the world keeps advancing daily. If the word of God does not advance, it will not be able to match up with this technology. Paul had the broadest revelations in the bible. God does not want you to know it like Paul, but He wants you to know it more. The glory of the latter shall be greater than the glory of the former. If you can advance in your thought, God can work with you closely. The Pharisees and Sadducees could not comprehend Jesus because they were keeping the ancient land mark. The person who placed the ancient land mark was present and wanted to move the mark but they still wanted to keep it. The seven spirits of God was talked about in 4 different places in the book of Revelation but the seven Spirits was not mentioned in these places. The seven Spirits was only mentioned in Isaiah 11:2. Revelation 1:4 – “John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne.” Revelation 3:1 – “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” Revelation 4:5 – “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” Revelation 5:6 – “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” When we mention seven Spirits of God, it does not mean that the Holy Spirit was broken into seven parts. It refers to seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit but it is the same Holy Spirit. We have several manifestations of the Spirit but it is the same Spirit. If the Holy Ghost manifests Himself in just one way, the world will be boring. For there to be colour in the world, there should be several manifestations. That is what makes life beautiful. The reason some of you have not been able to appreciate the true value of beauty is because you have been myopic and you’ve not embraced diversity. When the Holy Ghost comes on you, it is not just for you to speak in tongues only. There are several proofs of the Holy Ghost. Isaiah 11:1- “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesse was the father of David and Jesus was also called the son of David. When a woman is joined to a man, the woman’s root now comes from the man and no longer from her family. This was why Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus even though they were not related biologically. Joseph is the father of Jesus because he is from the lineage of David and he was joined to Mary. This is why God does not support divorce because you are not just pulling yourself from your root but you are also pulling your generation. Marriage is not just a physical joining but also spiritual joining. The stem from Jesse is Jesus. The several branches that will grow out from the root refer to us. That means, even before we came to earth, God saw us. Isaiah 11:2- “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” This is the only place in the bible where the seven spirits of God was mentioned. From the message translation, Isaiah 11:2 says “the life giving Spirit of God will hover over him, the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding, the Spirit that gives direction and builds strength, the Spirit that instills knowledge and fear of God.” THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD 1. THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD – even though it uses the word “upon”, it is actually talks about the indwelling of the Spirit. Even though Paul did not talk about the seven Spirits of God, he spoke about the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit which are products of the Spirit. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (1 CORINTHIAS 12:8-10) 1. Healing – it is restoring what was destroyed. If they stole your car and I prayed for you to buy another one. When you buy another one, that’s healing. If you had a bad kidney and I prayed for your kidney to work well, that’s healing. 2. Working of miracles – this is doing what was not. For example: a doctor told a woman that she has no womb and now the woman is pregnant; that’s miracle. You don’t work healing but you work miracles. You could just be worshiping God and your healing will just take place. Some people pray to God to give them another kidney from heaven. There is no kidney or heart in heaven for God to give you. What will He do? He speaks the word. When He speaks the word, the sand around you forms another kidney. Every part in you is from the dust. It is the word that will wrap the dust to form a kidney. God does not create anymore; He has stopped creating. 2 Peter 1:3 says “according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”All you need to do is to plug into what is so it can be released unto you. 3. Prophecy – this is fore-telling or forth-telling. It is being able to tell what God is saying. A prophet is one who speaks for God. This gift is associated with people with the prophetic call but everyone should prophesy. 4. Divers kind of tongues – this is not just speaking in tongues only. Everyone could speak in tongues but not everyone has the gift of divers’ kind of tongues. Diver’s kind of tongues grows. This kind communicates. A person who has this gift could speak several languages. A person with this gift could find himself speaking a language he never learnt. 5. Discernment of spirits – this is been able to tell a right spirit from a wrong spirit. Any believer who grows in the word of God can be able to discern spirit because the word of God helps you discern. 6. Faith – this is an unusual boldness. A man who just got born-again could have this gift. A person with this gift may not know why he is not afraid but he is not just afraid. 7. Interpretation of tongues- ability to interpret tongues when they are spoken. It comes in different ways. Someone could be speaking in tongues and you understand what the person is saying; you could also speak in tongues and understand what you are saying. 8. Word of wisdom – it is an ability to direct either with information from the past, present or future. It gives you a clear sense of direction because wisdom directs. For example: “If I say: the lord is telling me to tell you to start building a house. He said he gave you the money last week but you are thinking of doing something else with it. The Lord is telling you to build the house.” This is word of wisdom. 9. Word of knowledge – it is a word of information. A person that possesses this gift has a grace to see an information concerning another person whether past, present or future. It only gives you information but does not give the solution. The nine gifts of the Spirit can be classified into three: 1. Revelational gifts – word of wisdom, word of knowledge and discernment of spirits. 2. Vocal gifts – Divers kind of tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy. 3. Power gifts- faith, healing and working of miracles. FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (GALATIANS 5:22-23) Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 04:52:45 +0000

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