PERMANENT LASER HAIR REMOVAL Are you considering permanent laser - TopicsExpress


PERMANENT LASER HAIR REMOVAL Are you considering permanent laser hair removal? We offer NO CHARGE consultations including TEST SHOTS. Contact us on 021 462 3004 to book your COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION AT THE BLUE DOOR xxx PATIENT INFORMATION TREATMENT POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS Optimal hair conditions for laser treatment: Laser hair removal will bring optimal efficacy on coarse pigmented hair where a maximum permanent hair reduction of up to 80 to 90% can be obtained. The hair rate reduction will depend on the body location and texture of hair. The influence of hormonal changes for instance could interfere with the growth cycle and stimulate follicles in the dormant stage. The hair reduction will only be transient on white and/or very fine vellus hair that would be lighter than the skin. Number of sessions: The hair cycle is complex and varies from one body to another. The number of sessions depends also on the skin type and nature of the hair (colour and thickness) On the average, one treatment will require at least 4 to 8 sessions. Interval in-between session: Only growing and mature hair can be effectively treated. Observe a minimum interval time between 2 consecutive sessions of: - 4 to 6 weeks for face, bikini and axillae areas - 6 to 8 weeks for legs, arms, back and torso areas CARE AND RECOMMEND GUIDELINES PRIOR TO THE SESSION: Sun Exposure For an optimally effective and safe treatment, sun exposure is to be stopped at least 3-4 weeks prior to the session. One month before the session, apply high SPF sun block on the area to treat every 2 hours. The intake of sun activators or the use of chemical self tanning lotions is to be stopped 2 weeks prior to the session. Medication and/or nutritional complements It is mandatory you mention all the medication and/or nutritional complements you take. Some of their components might be photosensitive and/or photofragilizing to the skin. Skin Preperation Prior to the session, the skin is to be thoroughly cleansed either with soapy water or with a mild cleansing agent. Neither make-up nor fragrance should remain. If you have applied a preparation with essential oils, it is very important that you mention it to your therapist. The area to be treated should be ideally shaved the day before the treatment session. If not, it will be shaved on the same day. If shaving is not tolerated on facial areas for instance, depilatory creams or curved scissors can be used. It is very important not to wax, to trim or to pluck the hair out with any other means different from shavers or depilatory creams at least 3 weeks prior to the session. The use of bleaching creams is to be stopped at least 3 weeks prior to the session. DURING THE SESSION: During the session, you will feel a warm prickling. This feeling only lasts the time of the session. On dense areas, a peri-follicular erythema/oedema will take place and last a couple of hours with a light sun burn feel. AFTER THE SESSION: Tanning As long as you will experience a post treatment skin irritation, you have to protect your skin with sun block and avoid any sun exposure that, without protection, could lead to the development of post treatment pigmentation. The planning of holidays in the sun in the week after the session is not recommended. Skin care Immediately after the session, a soothing cream may be applied to calm down the skin. A thermal water spray may also be refreshing. Make-up, fragrance or deodorant may be applied the day after the session. Awaiting next session It is important to moisturise your skin properly (aloe vera based creams are recommended) In the week following your session, you will experience a phenomenon similar to “regrowth” which is actually the destroyed hair shaft pushing out of the follicle. The regrowth time needed for remaining hair becomes longer from session to session and the remaining hair becomes finer. Between session it is important not to remove hair “mechanically” (no tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, electric epilating) as this could interfere with the hair cycle. Only shaving and depilatory creams are allowed between sessions. Depilatory (hair removal) creams, should not be used for at least 3 days prior to a treatment. Ammoniac could makes the skin sensitive. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS Not observing the guidelines especially related to sun exposure may lead to a transient but long-lasting hypo/hyper pigmentation that may last on the average of 3 months or more. On sensitive areas, an oedema may develop but will remain no longer than two days. Some spots may lead to a purpura or micro-crusting that will remain 3-5 days after the session. It will be very important neither to rub the skin nor to expose it to the sun. In some cases blistering may occur. This should be treated with an anti-bacterial cream such as Bactroban. Keep the skin moist, and do not scratch/rub/ break the blisters. It should heal in a few days and if handled with care the skin will return to normal soon. Any post session effect is to reported and you will be given corresponding advice and treatment.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 07:17:13 +0000

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