PIT-BULLS! ARE DANGEROUS! MY Furbabies were attacked this - TopicsExpress


PIT-BULLS! ARE DANGEROUS! MY Furbabies were attacked this evening!!! Yes Pitbulls are on my mind tonight as I am a dog lover...I have 5...I used to raise and show Doberman Pincers...BUT as an educated person and DOG lover...I am also aware of the dangers of animals who are bred and predisposed to instinctual behaviors...Because of this I am always paying attention to my surroundings and watch when I am out with my Furries...I NEVER have them off leash and always walk only one or two at a time. I live in a small Condo community and only OWNERS are supposed to have dogs or cats. Approximately 3 months ago...much to my dismay I noticed someone walking a large Pit-bull on the property...and I was very cautious to stay close to home and be careful. Then one day I opened my door and there it was...directly in front of my condo!!! not in the street or on the berm where residents usually walk their pets...but right in front of my door/property!!! I immediately informed the person that I was a SMALL dog owner and to please not walk his LARGE 80-100 lb. Pit near my property. OF COURSE!!! he quickly reassured me how harmless and gentle HIS Pit Bull was... PAHLEESE!!!! I told him...very nicely again...Look...animals are unpredicatble...and Dogs who are bred to fight and kill can always change in a moment given the right circumstance, that my dogs were small and he would consider them PREY. I also reported my fears to the association and went on record that this dog should be removed from the property!!! Tonight I walked out my door with my 5 lb. Chihuahua and 8 lb Dachshund ...15 steps to the grass in front. In a flash he was on them...Picked up my Chi in his mouth and shook him...I kicked him and then dropped the Chi and turned on the Doxie...as I was screaming and kicking him....I picked up my Chi and he jumped on me!!! All the while I was screamng...my Chi was howling in fear and pain...and the Dachshund was jumping up on him! Finally the owner arrived and....HE DID NOT EVEN STEP IN!!! Guess he was afraid of being bitten...as I screamed for him to stop his dog and i kicked the Pit in the groin. I carried my babies bruised, shaken and hysterical back inside...called the police and the HOA to report the incident...My poor 12 year old Chi is quite shaken and limping...not sure if he is ok and will keep a watch on him...take him to the Vet in AM...My little Dachshund is fine... WE WERE SOME OF THE LUCKY ONES!!! THE PIT WAS OFF LEASH...mine were on...which I believe saved them...as I do not use extending leashes they are close and on a shorter leash. Thank God!!! Do not be naive about your babies...BE AWARE!!! Watch out for larger dogs when walking your smaller ones! and be prepared to step in and stop attacks. Leash laws and rules are for the ones who follow them... That said Pit BULLS are not user friendly!!! Period! They do not belong in communities with children, senior citizens or small pets!!! Please do not comment about how wonderful they are on this page...I do not want to hear about how wonderful they are in your home...I was on the receiving end of an attack...and I know what it is like. That Pit can be fine...thousands of moments in time...BUT it just takes the ONE! time! and DISASTER! anyone who has one is willing to take that chance,, I am NOT!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:52:06 +0000

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