PLANET VIBES : The Horoscope of 2015, Astrological Analysis for - TopicsExpress


PLANET VIBES : The Horoscope of 2015, Astrological Analysis for Every Sign A new year is coming. Full of possibilities, drenched in our dreams, our hopes, our magic. 2015 is a very different year than the previous one. Saturn from his new position in Sagittarius will challenge Religion and Spirituality. Religious leaders will have to be braver than ever in order to help their systems survive the Wave of change. Spirituality will be cleansed from dark intentions - eventually - and Humanity will find a true meaning. Jupiter will make us understand the true meaning of Life till August 2015 and after that new kinds of medicine may be presented - curing dangerous diseases that troubled us for a long long time. Pluto from Capricorn and Uranus in Aries will continue to challenge the global financial status, forcing the masses to question authorities Worldwide. The new position of Saturn may also mean a new warfare which will definitely cost a lot of lives and affect the global spirituality. Lets hope that our spirits have evolved enough to stop any kind of war-madness and extremism. MAY PEACE PREVAIL!!!!! ARIES : LESS PROBLEMS = MORE POWER 2015 will definitely be a better year than the previous one in many ways. Its not that your problems will magically vanish (except if you really casted a spell for it) but right now the problems will be more easy to handle. 2014 was not an easy year for you especially the first half of it which brought you too many problems and caused you too much trouble. While the second half was much easier for you - as Jupiter was from Leo created a benevolent triangle to your sun sign - was just a prelude for what was really going to happen. The first half of 2015 will be even much better with less stress and struggle while on the other hand you will have the chance to make your life even better in anyway possible especially on August 2015. This is a golden chance for you, as opportunities will knock - and knock again your door - to create the most fortunate and promising base for a greater and brighter future in both. your career and your personal life. 2015 is definitely not a year to relax but with slow and steady move you can conquer all of your problems. The trick is that this is all against your fiery and impulsive nature and you have to understand that to change you life depends on how much you can change. Look carefully and search for alternatives. Opportunities will surely knock your door. Embrace them! MAGICAL ADVICE:Try Attraction Spells to magnetize what your hearts desire. Create a more charming image in both your personal and your career life. TAURUS : TIME TO LET IT GO You are amongst the signs Saturn troubled the most those past four years - especially the last 1,5 year. Right now a change is coming. You can already feel it since the last December, when Saturn left Scorpio taking with him the heavy burden of responsibilities and duties. Although new kind of problems may arise till the beginning of March especially when it comes to new promising and ambitious plans (career or personal). Saturn would not cause you more trouble in 2015 apart form the Summer. But then with Jupiter in Virgo you will have more power to fight fatigue and disappointments. The hard part is truly over. Saturn will leave Scorpio in September and this is when opportunities will rise for your sun sign. Remember that your life will start to get easier day but day especially at the end of 2015 and this is why you have to be patient and dont rush into decisions driven by your impulsiveness. There is another reason you have to be patient - which is something you are really good at. Pluto from Capricorn now shows you his good face, transforming via several deaths and rebirths your future, a bright promising future full of surprises and abundance. This future is waiting for you. The only thing you have to do is dare to become happy! Do you dare? MAGICAL ADVICE : You should focus on Banishing whatever happens to cause you fatigue or depresses you. Its time to renew yourself. Check out Banishing Spells and Aromatherapy for depression. GEMINI : RESPONSIBILITY IS THE GATE OF GREATNESS 2015 is marked by the new position of Saturn in Sagittarius thus from now on you will have to be extra careful with your personal relationships especially the ones that means most to you. You will also have to be even more responsible and understand that each of your actions can cause a series of events that may require more and more of your energy in the future. Dont react spontaneously. Try to slow down. Although you already feel that something changes and you would have to be more careful, at the same time you feel more optimistic about the future and you aim even higher. This is caused by Jupiter from Leo will help you achieve your goals in the first half of 2015. Your versatile nature will be your ally and help you a lot to adapt to the new status quo. On the other hand Venus will play and important role on making you even more charming, thus winning the hearts of the ones you desire. This is a year for flirting - responsibly - and achieving a better - more extraverted attitude towards your personal life. After all... what a Gemini without a good - and a lot - flirting. MAGICAL ADVICE : You have to focus on is Meditation and Earth Magic. You have to ground yourself and you feelings periodically. CANCER : BRAND NEW & BETTER IN SO MANY WAYS This is a year where you will see yourself become better in so many many ways. The time has come to make you feel better, you deserve it! Pluto from Capricorn challenges your intimate relations and your partnerships. This is not something you can easily escape from however. The last 5 years this effect dominates most of your existence. You strive for freedom but you are also afraid of it. The transformation is permanent and the changes do not surprise you anymore. In 2015 Pluto is going to receive the blessings of Jupiter from Virgo, a friendly sign of yours. Although from late 2013 your emotional state is at its worst state youve ever felt you are in a cocoon ready to burst... giving birth to a wonderful butterfly, ready to fly away from its problems and reach for its goals. You still have to be patient a little bit more though. Saturn the last year created a strong base for your dreams - which may costed you a lot - but you will soon understand how important this was. Try to make sure that you leave the ill feelings behind... they just weight to much! You dont need them! I mean it. You really dont! MAGICAL ADVICE: Banish your Negativity - with a spell or meditation - and perform a Luck Changing spell. LEO : STABILITY & GROWTH WITH LESS EFFORT This is such a wonderful year for your sign, a wonderful opportunity for greatness, evolution and stability. You already felt the blessing hand of Jupiter from the second half of 2014 but from 24th of December 2014 Saturn crossed Sagittarius helping all your plans, stabilizing your dreams and making work even more profitable. Uranus never stopped causing sudden change in how you look at the World and this stimuli alerts you but also brings you favourable changes. You feel you learned much about Death and Rebirth the last years and this frightens you a bit. You seem to be able to get wherever you want to, but please keep in mind that when opportunities come you have to keep an open mind to grab them as Jupiters beneficial effect will only last till August 2015 - although after then will focus his blessings in your financial status increasing your income and you possessions. Saturns difficult position - the last two years - challenged your emotions so much that you feel that some things that were caused (probably in your family or home or what you feel as personal space) are catastrophic. Now its not the same. You have planetary allies. Although Saturn will not easily help you flirt as much as you might like, you will have the chance to meet ideal mates - if single. But you know what? You got so many things you can be thankful for this new year... lets focus on that! MAGICAL ADVICE: Career Spells and Wishing spells are just perfect for you to make your life full of magical stardust! VIRGO : A PRELUDE FOR EVOLUTION The new year comes to push you even further and will ask even more of your energy. The truth is that Saturn from Scorpio the last two years helped you clean up the mess in your personal life but now its time to clean things in your family and your home - or what you perceive as home (for you actually may also be the job environment as you can easily become career junkies... come on... admit it!). 2015 requires from you to be brave and face what you were many years afraid of. It seems like you want to be free from the need of others but at the same time you feel obliged to help them. There is a very thin line between obligation because you love them and slavery - and you are not good at seeing this line. You feel like if you help and give more and more - to the point you are exhausted - you will be rewarded more. Guess what? WRONG! The first thing you have to do is manage your energy more wisely. If you are strong, your actions will be too. If you are weak and ill you wont succeed in any of your goals, thus making you miserable and self destructive. Put yourself first and love every part of you! From August 2015 Jupiter will enter Virgo and will stay there for 12 months. Get Ready, Aim High. MAGICAL ADVICE: Hatha Yoga can help you restore the Chi levels. If you can.. try Tai-chi... and Abundance Spells - but from the SECOND HALF of 2015 only. LIBRA : AFTER EVERY DEATH COMES REBIRTH Changes in so many things, in so many parts of your life. There should be a death to whats old and corrupted in order to give space to the New in your life. This is a lesson youve learned very well the last years - and with so much pain. And here you are armed with your new plans and goals cruising for new adventures. You feel the pressure in your personal life yet if you are able to see it as a game you will enjoy it more. Uranus challenges you, your life-mates and can also bring up legal issues that require instant confrontation. This made you feel really tired as it ruined the sense of balance & peace in your life - the most important thing for you. In 2015 you are blessed with the help of Jupiter - till August - from Leo. You are able to deal with most of your problems but you should probably forget the word stability for few months. Try to feel free and you will achieve so much more. Cosmos is trying to help you break whatever hold you back and feel dependent on. Meditate on freedom of your spirit. From Autumn of 2015 you will feel your dreams and emotions change and become even more optimistic - although you want to be able to always know why. Its Jupiter in your last solar house! MAGICAL ADVICE: Rebirth Spells can help you overcome the difficulties brought to you the last months. You can call upon the regenerating forces of the Sacred Phoenix or any other Entity you trust. SCORPIO : LIFE CAN BE EASY & HAPPY AGAIN Yes, i think you really - badly - deeply need to hear what I am about to say that the hard part is indeed... OVER! Saturn thankfully for you has already passed - since Christmas eve 2014 - to Sagittarius inaugurating a new, lighter Era for your sign. Its true. For the last two years Saturn was pushing you to work harder - with or without any obvious profit and positive outcome -, construct a harder and more solid base for your future of your career and your personal relationships. He pushed you to clean up all possible mess. All these are probably good things but it may have also made you realise that time can be both your ally and your foe. You may have found yourself judging your dreams and goals as foolish and childish. You may lost a part of your adventurous self. Thats OK. The first half of 2015 will be a time to throw away all this tension and fear. Apart from the summer months when Saturn will come back to you - for the last time and he will be much more friendly - you will have the chance to get yourself together and recover. The second half on the other hand, will be a golden chance to shine brightly like never before, as Jupiter from your friendly Virgo will bless your social status and achieve much more in so many ways. MAGICAL ADVICE: Replenish your Magical Energy. Acupuncture can also help you unblock the energy blocks and tai chi. Try a better nutritional programme and of course a spell to reawaken your powers so that you are ready for greatness! Try the Triquetra spell! SAGITTARIUS : PREPARATION IS OVER.. TIME FOR ACTION 2014 was a year of preparation with many opportunities for you in both your personal and career life. Jupiter from your friendly Leo since the summer of 2014 gave - and will still give you until August 2015 - the chance to focus all your attention to your goals and help you achieve a lot in such a little time. I think it wont be an exaggeration to say that rush was your favourite word. During this frenzy you managed to walk - or maybe run - forward disregarding what you may have left behind. It just didnt matter. Or did it? The first half of 2015 eases the shock of Saturns entrance in your sign giving you the time to prepare better. The truth is that your Governor - Jupiter- doesnt seem to let his children suffer easily. Although, you will definitely feel the heavy earthly burden of the strict Cosmic teacher it seems that a heavenly hand will - almost always- be present, preventing many of the possible hardships. This of course doesnt mean that you should be reckless - at least not more than you are usually :) - but try to take care any problem that may occur instantly and not leave it for later. The second half of 2015 will bring opportunities for career progress but it will require more effort and energy for you. Are you willing to do it? MAGICAL ADVICE:A Road Opening Spell is very important for you right now. You need to make your problems vanish and walk a more care free path. CAPRICORN : CLEANSE YOURSELF FROM NEGATIVENESS & PREPARE YOUR PATH TO GREATNESS This is a new year in so many ways my dear Capricorn. Saturns new position in Sagittarius affects what you keep inside. Your dreams , fears and even your magic! This year is a very important year for you as you will be able to cleanse your soul from the heavy impact of depression which seems to have deep roots in your heart. You will have the opportunity to change the way your heart reacts to emotional stimuli but more importantly you can be - more than ever - able to construct a powerful ring of protection around your aura letting nothing to invade. Of course this requires devotion and determination but you are such organised beings that I truly believe you will manage it - disregarding all the possible negative feelings that may arise from your Earthly heart. The good news come from the entrance of Jupiter in Virgo from August! This will help you so much evolve and move forward. Summer will be a very lucky season for you. Plan your holidays in August ( especially from the 12th till the end). And after that a series of events will follow showing you that sometimes the system just works! You will feel that all your effort really worth it. Long-distance travels and business with foreigners will be very profitable and enjoyable. You are going to meet mentor-type people who will guide you to reject the loneliness of your spiritual way. MAGICAL ADVICE: Jinx Removing spells are very important for you and Chakra cleansing too. AQUARIUS : THE BEGINNING OF A VERY IMPORTANT 2 YEAR PERIOD This is a year full of wonderful possibilities marked by the new position of your traditional Governor - Saturn in Sagittarius symbolising your social status. It seems that you are getting too serious and overcautious towards your friends and people who surround you. You may feel like more people are respecting you but fewer people hang out with you at the same time. Do not forget that the house where Saturn is now- is in fact symbolically your sign. The following two years are extremely important for you. Changes are coming in so many ways. What you should do is take care of yourself, love yourself in a way you never did. Understanding your needs may end up fulfilling them - finally. You need to see behind the shadows, read between the lines and trust your magnificent intuition which knows who and what is worth fighting for. Jupiter from Leo till August 2015 (since Summer 2014) is going to be a gem for you helping you move forward, travel, expand your spirituality, negotiate a profitable business better than before and meet incredibly interesting people who are going to teach you so much! MAGICAL ADVICE: Leave whatever troubled you the past years with a simple Earth Spell. After this you have to persistently cleanse your aura to keep yourself away from negative influences. PISCES : CHALLENGE IS ONLY THE TEST... TREASURE AWAITS A year to remember as challenging forces will show you that the time is now for major and important decisions. This shouldnt frighten you - at all - as this is the time we leave the past forever and move forward towards a brighter and more promising future. The new position of Saturn in Sagittarius talks about changes in your career and you job environment. New responsibilities, more effort but rewards - ethical and/or financial - are also coming even if you are not able to see them straight away. Jupiter currently helps your routine and your health which makes you realise how to make your everyday life better. Its a great time to start working out - if you havent done it already - start a diet and do medical exams. From August 2015 Jupiters new position will push you to expand in a way that may seem as an exaggeration to people around you. You will have more time to flirt and more chances to find love - if single - or improve your romantic life. MAGICAL ADVICE: Ground yourself periodically with any simple and effective Druidic technique creating the roots which will nurture you and hold you strong and safe. HAVE A BLESSED MAGICAL NEW YEAR.... MERRY 2015
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 10:21:06 +0000

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