PLEASE KEEP COACH PENNINGTON AND HIS FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS. HERE IS A NOTE THAT HIS DAUGHTER ANDREA WROTE ABOUT HIS STATUS. CV People have been so kind to email, text and call about the status of my dad. I want yall to know how encouraging it is to receive such care, love and concern. The update on dad is that hes to the point in his journey that he has to be in the care of the staff at Emory Hospital until he gets a heart. Dad can no longer survive outside hospital care. As you can see by this picture, dad has days where he looks amazing. And then Some days look more like the part...a man with an extremely sick, damaged heart. Another incredible blessing is that the doctors at Emory cant believe that dad survived this last Vtach episode. They said it was basically a miracle and that dad has a strong body to have endured the additional damage to heart and organs. I will do my best to keep everyone updated on our journey with dad. It takes a life lost to give another continued life. All life is precious. So my hope and prayer is that if its Gods will for dad to live longer with us on earth, I hope & pray dad will receive the next available heart match.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:20:45 +0000

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