PLEASE READ !!!! ALL OF IT !!! Welp guys I found this post and - TopicsExpress


PLEASE READ !!!! ALL OF IT !!! Welp guys I found this post and this is exactly how I feel. Please. I dont want any comments below it as I dont want any drama in here. I feal that this was writan very well and I hope that it changes some of your minds about your buying habbits. I purchased a few clones als in the begining until someone explaind to me what was going on and I havent purchased one since. I just hope that this may make some of you think twice before making a clone purchase. If you want to get real technical for this group. Thow shall not steal is very important so supporting someone that does is just as bad. Without a buyer they wouldnt be able to steal. Stealing is stealing - and it is ALWAYS wrong. PERIOD!! In vaping circles the word Clone has unfortunately become nothing more than a socially acceptable substitute for thievery. It sounds so much better to say I bought a clone instead of I bought complete ripoff copy of the real thing from a thief, eh? Pirating someones intellectual property, trademark or patent and making cheap copies is TRULY nothing more than stealing. Willingly, knowingly and eagerly buying stolen goods makes you complicit in the crime. Lets call it what it really is instead of some BS feel good about what I did phony baloney explanation of why you buy from and support thieves. Need a diamond ring cheap? Buy one from a thief, its cheaper. Need a new TV? Buy one from a thief, its cheaper. Need tires for your car. Yep, you can find those real cheap too, from a thief. Want a big money expensive mod but cant afford it? You guessed it - buy a cheap exact replica from a thief and pretend that you have something special. Poser. Cant afford a high end expensive mod? Nothing wrong with that. There are tons of original design inexpensive mods available to choose from. They work great and are made by people that are NOT thieves. There are NO good reasons to buy clones other than you want to support thieves and lack the willpower to wait until you can afford the real thing. Really want an authentic high end original Mod? Do what all honest people everywhere do and save up for it. Anybody can do that if they put their mind to it. This SELF SERVING, crappy, make believe fairy tale of nobody gets hurt from buying a clone is just stupid beyond words. Of course people get hurt! If you have no respect for the hard work of honest people, no integrity, no honor, no morals - then clones ARE for you. I know many Mod makers and I have far to much respect for their creativity and hard work to ever buy a copy cat/ripoff product that was stolen from start to finish. I have NO respect for those that support thieves - for whatever lame reason/excuse they choose to use to explain their bad behavior and poor decisions. For all you folks that will slam me for my comments and opinions - I dont give a darn what you say. I could care less what supporters of thieves and crooks think. You will never convince honest people that what you are doing is right in any way shape or form. You are only fooling yourselves and no one else.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:15:45 +0000

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