PLEASE READ AND LIKE IF YOU AGREE AND SHARE TO GET TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE! This is a challenge I would like to get to every American, particularly our President of our country, members of congress and the rich and famous. How many times do we buy something we really do not need but just want? Well yesterday while standing in line to check out at Walmart, this lovely petite elderly women was looking through all parts of her purse for something to pay her bill. After being unsuccessful I could see she was getting nervous and started to apologize for her delay. I looked into my cart and realized half of what was in there, I did not need. So I stepped up to the clerk and said " I will pay her bill " and proceeded to swipe my debit card. By the time the lovely lady realized what was going on the transaction was complete. The clerk was somewhat shocked and said this bill is over $60. I simply said " I know " and turned to the elderly lady and said " I am sure you have helped many people in your life and I want to do this for you today. You have a great day". The lady thanked me profusely and as I paid for my items I vowed that the next time I buy something not needed, a I will look for someone to help pay for their necessities. If all of our elected officials and our rich and famous in this country would do the same we will not need our government to redistribute the wealth. We the people of these United States of America will do it ourselves. Even those of us who are NOT wealthy.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:58:18 +0000

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