PLEASE SHARE: THE LYING MEDIA NEEDS TO STOP CALLING IT AN ATTACK… “ITS CALLED MUSLIMS ETHNICALLY CLEANSING NON-MUSLIMS IN KENYA” THE FACT THAT CIVILIANS WERE ASKED TO RECITE VERSES FROM THE QURAN AND THEN SLAUGHTERED (Literally) IF THEY COULDN’T, PROVES THIS… IN ISLAMS TRUE CULT FORM. I have been reading various articles and watching various (censored) media coverage of the appalling slaughter of innocent civilians in Kenya. I have been left speechless, however as events unfolded one immediate observation occurred to me, ITS ALL IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. Yes this attack is to do with Islam as dictated in the Quran: Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.” TO PUT THIS VERSE INTO ACTION; "IN TRUE CULT FORM" THE INNOCENT CIVILIANS WERE ASKED TO RECITE VERSES FROM THE QURAN TO CHECK IF THEY WERE MUSLIM IN ORDER TO DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN BELIEVERS AND NON-BELIEVERS, AFTER WHICH THE SLAUGHTER BEGAN OF NON-MUSLIMS. WE WERE RIGHT… PLEASE READ ON… JUST OVER A WEEK AGO WE WROTE a number of posts about how the Muslim practice of reciting words from THE QURAN (such as the Shahada) HAS EVIL CULT BASED UNDERTONES WHICH ARE USED TO “DECEPTIVELY APPLY ABSOLUTE CONTROL over the believers, leaving them no room to question or explore alternate paths” and LOOK JUST A WEEK LATER THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENED WITH BARBARIC PRECISION; the cult based recitations from the Quran are used to discriminate between believers and non-believers with death for all non-believers. THE CULT BASED CONTROL IS OF THE BELIEVERS WHO MUST RECITE OR DIE AND ANY NON BELIEVER IS GIVEN NO CHOICE BUT DEATH. To increase the death toll and test the allegiance to the cult of Islam, the killers scrutinised further and asked civilians if they knew the name of Mohammeds mother… IT SEEMS THAT EVEN THE SHAHADA WASN’T ENOUGH IN THIS CASE. They are extremely psychotic, but definitely Muslim. Yes and true to form there is NO CONDEMNATION FROM THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY… WHY? BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE CONDEMNING THE QURAN… AND INSTEAD MUSLIMS SAY “THEY ATTACK OUR MUSLIM PEOPLE SO IT WAS JUSTIFIED” i.e. they link the attack as revenge for supposed attacks on Somalian Muslim rebels by Kenyan forces. THE MEDIA ALSO COVERED UP THE FACT THAT NON MUSLIM CIVILIANS HAD THEIR FACES TORCHED, HANDS AMPUTATED AND WERE TORTURED TO DEATH IN ADDITION TO BEING SHOT AND BLOWN TO PIECES. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP. WE ARE INFIDELS. EVERYTHING FROM THEIR FALSE PRAYERS TO THEIR ACTIONS IS ALL AGAINST US INFIDELS. BUT WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER EVER. Admin R and SIKH DIVISION. NFSE. atlasshrugs2000.typepad/atlas_shrugs/2013/09/jihad-in-kenya-women-and-children-were-slaughtered-if-they-could-not-recite-the-koran-jihadis-cut-th.html
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:52:50 +0000

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