PLEASE SIGN & SHARE URGENTLY THESE ➨ 4 VIP PETITIONS ►PET.1 banliveexport/take_action/tell-the-PM ►PET.2 banliveexport/gaza-files (DOWNLOAD EMAIL LETTER TO SEND BY POST TO PM ABBOTT) ►PET.3 ►PET.4 ◕MORE ACTIONS BY PHONE & EMAIL HERE:► ✦ABOUT THE VIDEO:An Animal Australia investigator witnesses Australian cattle being killed in conditions that breach hugely live export regulations..he uncover horrific extreme abuse of Australian animals in 4 places in Gaza!Watch the Media edit 2014 here:►vimeo/91050782 ◕On the first part of the video you will see an Australian Government APPROVED GAZA slaughterhouse,(Reported to the Aus.department of agriculture on 26 Feb.2014) ◕On the next part:RAFAH Slaughterhouse in Gaza A NON-Approved Slaughterhouse(Also reported to the Aus.department of agriculture on 26 Feb.2014) ◕On the next part:JABALIYA Slaughterhouse in Gaza A NON-Approved Slaughterhouse(Reported to the Aus. department of agriculture on 1 March,2014)★NOTE:THE BULLS LEG TENDONS HAVE BEEN CUT!★ ◕On the next follows part:MOHAMMAD SALAH Farm in Gaza A NON-ApprovedSlaughterhouse(Reported to the Aus.department of agriculture on 28 March,2014) ◕On the next and last part:JABALIYA Slaughterhouse in Gaza A NON-Approved Slaughterhouse(Reported to the Aus.department of agriculture on 07 April,2014) ✦Cattle were observed having had their leg tendons slashed, having metal files driven into their eye sockets; and most commonly, their throats were slashed at to weaken them to the point of collapse through blood loss.=THIS IS THE WORK PROCESS OF THOSE SCUM EVIL COWARDS FROM GAZA!! ►That shocking abuse of Australian cattle continues in Gaza five months after first being reported, is damning and very outrageous!!! ◕Alarmingly — animals still remain ‘in the system’ in Gaza today. ✦In late 2013, alarming cruelty was filmed at the Festival of Sacrifice in Gaza.(watch The live exporter at the heart of this exposé was not new to this type of controversy — they had already been exposed for recurring breaches in Jordan. -So despite an official Government investigation, Animals Australia remained concerned that abuses in Gaza may be ongoing. ◕In early 2014, Animals Australia engaged a local investigator, recommended by a UN-based NGO. His evidence confirmed our worst fears: Australian cattle were still being brutally abused. ◕The Australian Department of Agriculture was immediately alerted — again. From February to April, further horrific abuses were documented, and the Department was alerted a further four times. ◕◕Relying on the regulatory process to end the cruelty was failing. That brings us to you, and why you’re reading this: this needs to be made public. ◕This Australian bull(watch was illegally sold, stabbed in the eye, and brutally killed in Gaza. He, along with over 4,000 other Australian cattle, has been sent to the slaughterhouses of Gaza since November. During this time, not one single facility complied with regulations. During this time, the Australian exporter was aware that shocking abuse had occurred in past months. Yet animals continued to be abandoned to this cruelty ✦✦WATCH ALSO THESE 4 VIDEOS TAKEN IN GAZA: ◕Australian cattle brutally massacred onEid Al-Adha-2013in Gaza ► ◕SHOCKING:INVESTIGATION AUSTRALIAN CATTLE IN GAZA-2014 ► ◕Slaughtered in highly unsanitary conditions,in front of cats.. ►vimeo/91478048 ◕See inside an (unjustified)approved live export abattoir in Gaza! ► ✦BACKGROUND:THE GREEDY EXPORTERS FOR BIG PROFIT! Livestock Shipping Services (LSS) is the biggest live exporter in Australia, and its Jordanian-owned parent company is the largest live exporter in the world. Under investigation for five serious breaches in Jordan and Gaza, LSS inexplicably continues to be granted export permits. ◕Legal complaints lodged by Animals Australia in 2013 detailed the brutal and illegal slaughter suffered by animals exported by LSS to Gaza. Yet LSS failed to stop other animals in their ‘care’ from suffering the same brutal fate. Even today, Australian animals remain in this supply chain and most certainly face a terrifying death. ◕Since Animals Australia first reported serious live export breaches in Gaza, the only visible change has been the systematic removal of ear tags — an effort to conceal the identification of Australian cattle, and thus, live export breaches. Tag stubs were found in the ears of some cattle; hand written tags were added in their place. Despite these efforts, cattle can still be traced to Australian properties through ear notches. ✦VERY TERRIFIED ANIMALS. Australian cattle are larger and ‘wilder’ than local cattle in Gaza. Evidence reveals that abattoir workers are unfamiliar with and frightened of Australian bulls in this region. Fearful workers are seen clumsily killing animals in any way they can — inflicting prolonged pain and distress — and compromising not only the welfare of animals, but also people.. ✦READ MORE INSIDE THIS (click next for continuing reading all!) ◕History has revealed that often only when the public becomes aware of injustice and demands action, do politicians listen. Please take action today or make an urgent donation to support our ongoing Animal Australia org. ✦PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW! ◕That shocking abuse of Australian cattle continues in Gaza five months after first being reported, is damning and very outrageous! ◕The good news, is that after receiving evidence from Animals Australia in November, the Australian Government ceased granting export permits to Gaza. The bad news, is that this was no help to the thousands of cattle who were en-route at the time. Since then, at least 4,631 exported cattle have been sent to the slaughterhouses of Gaza. This ongoing cruelty could have been avoided had exporters been complying with regulations. Tragically, the Australian Government’s live export ‘assurance’ system is providing anything but ‘assurance’. The truth is that nobody — not live exporters, nor the Australian government — can guarantee that animals in the live export trade won’t be brutally killed. It doesnt have to be this way. Live export is valued at only 0.3 percent of national exports. And most sheep and cattle farmers arent involved with the industry. Not only that — a phase out of this cruel trade will create more jobs for Australians and benefit the economy.. ◕Take action today, and help spare an animal from suffering this brutal fate Thank you~~ Tony Zadel
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 06:47:08 +0000

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