PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS & THEN SHARE TO YOUR STATUS :I’ve done my homework, I’ve visited the school, spoke to staff AND students. This is a typical High School day in the Cafeteria. 30 minute period. (1300 + enrolled) 632 students scan in. Of those, 350 buy a reimbursable meal. Another 300+ students have jam packed schedules which dont allow them the time of approximately 20 minutes to make it thru the line, so they grab something quick, if at all. Logically you would think maybe we need MORE staff rather than a reduction. Additionally, in 2012 the year that Sandy rolled into town and took everything but our spirit, the district hired a new food director. While I wholeheartedly agree with the Districts position to feed every child, every day during this time, it did not allow Mr. Kamlet the time needed to assess the program and implement the many positive, healthy ideas he has for the food program. There are many ways this program can better work, bringing in a private company which has NO OBLIGATION to employ the current staff is not one of them. These people know your kids, they are like Mom’s away from home when it comes to feeding your children and they are at the very bottom of the pay scale, and DO-NOT receive and benefits (health or otherwise). I for one do not want transient worker’s taking jobs away from these hardworking, dedicated people who are Long Beach residents and put there low salaries right back into our beloved Long Beach. It’s time we stopped putting a price tag on our children’s nutritional well-being, and question how and why the District thinks it’s a better idea to cut food services and spend untold dollars putting GPS systems in the school buses. Were a barrier island kind of hard to get lost !! SAY NO TO GPS & YES to NUTRITION!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:56:42 +0000

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