PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ MY COMMENT, WATCH THE VIDEO, RESPOND WITH YOUR OPINION AND FORWARD THE VIDEO....When i first saw this i was angry of this post, as i thought this was another, wo is me, my rights are being violated, then just as i was to switch it off, thinking this was a race card exaggeration ....well watch the whole video...youll see.... I do not question if force was need here from an officers point of view....but force and abuse, excessive and humiliation are NOT a fine line....its legally clear by text book as veteran and worked in law enforcement for two years and in mental health for over ten .... to serve your country and see other human beings treated this way is so embarrassing and makes me wonder how in service we are brothers and sisters, as we protect our country from dangerous enemies, to see our domestic law enforcement (police officers) make me fearful of my children, parent, or spouse, being attacked, kicked in the chest laying down. I have raised and mentored young people to respect and trust officers to be there for them! But now I feel like the Jew, warning young people to look out for the Gestapo!!!! Again this is not just about color, its about civil issues (meaning any citizen!!!).... if you have a Netflix watch Hitler history and communist history to see if you see similar traits and variables!!! This is not a joke least send this video forward, share your intellectual opinions and ideas about what you think.... its your right .... Jewish, Irish immigrants, Blacks, Latino, Asians, Confederate States post civil war, Japanese Concentration Camps, Native American Reservations, American Arabs ...all these groups have at one point been exploited.... history does repeat itself.... stay scared stay quite and soon our flag will be only RED with a taser and star. If you are in law enforcement and u want to defend the wrong actions hear, please think of this first...each time an officer behaves this way, your next stop or call creates more adrenaline and danger for you not to go home and see ur family... often in law enforcement to get you job done, you need the public to help and make u safe.... lose the public they may not been there for u and ur partner... Again! I dont warrant if the aledge suspect is innocent or guilty of his arrest, but until he goes through the justice system and found guilty, American!!! Innocent and have civil and human rights from the greatest institution and most free country far? the world... NOTICE THE VIOLENCE STOPPED WHEN OTHER OFFICERS ARRIVED
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 08:52:12 +0000

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