""PLEASE TAKE TWO MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE TO READ THIS. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL AUSTRALIANS KNOW THE TRUTH: There are decades of history when it comes to Murdoch’s influence in the political world. I will however, very simply explain his influence/dictatorship since 2007. In 2007, prior to the federal election, Kevin Rudd met with Murdoch in New York. During that meeting, Rudd agreed to put the Australia Network broadcasting rights up for tender. The two companies/organisations who would tender for this were Murdoch’s News Corp & the ABC (current owner of the Australia Network). After that meeting, Rudd had the backing of Murdoch going into the 2007 election. To no surprise, Rudd easily won. In 2008, Rudd introduced the NBN. Unfortunately for Rudd, Murdoch did not approve of this as it put one of his companies, Foxtel, at risk of losing massive amounts of money. The NBN would have been fantastic for all Australians but not for Murdoch. It was at that moment Murdoch turned on Rudd. Before we knew it, Rudd went from being the most popular PM ever in this country to the most unpopular. The Labor party did not know what to do. They were taken by surprise and hastily replaced Rudd with Julia Gillard. Shortly after Gillard became PM, Tony Abbott visited Murdoch in New York. After that meeting, Abbott came back to Australia and ordered Malcom Turnbull to create the Liberal Parties policy of scrapping the NBN. During Gillard’s time as PM, she announced that the tender process for the Australia Network was to be scrapped and the ABC would continue to own and run it. News Corp then sued the Australian government for costs due to the tender being scrapped. Murdoch already had a huge grudge against the Labor Party for introducing the NBN but after Gillard stopped any chance Murdoch had of ever owning the Australia Network, it was all out war from Murdoch towards the Labor Party. The rest is history. Although the Labor Party successfully steered Australia through the GFC, avoided a recession, created new jobs, introduced new programs like the NDIS and managed to run the country and economy very well even while facing the day to day difficulties of dealing with a hung parliament, the Murdoch press managed to brainwash the majority of Australians that the Labor government had destroyed the country. In the end, Murdoch lost his marbles and won a cease of the spread of free diverse data. He got what he wanted. He got another PM (Abbott) who is going to do/already started doing what is in the best interest of Murdoch, not you & me (the Australian public). Unfortunately, this story does not have a happy ending."" Be-ware of false realities in the dreams of bunnies jumping moon=wise.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:26:27 +0000

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