#PLEASEREADALLFATHERS THIS IS FOR ALL THE FATHERS, AND THOSE RELATED TO A FATHER GOING THROUGH ISSUES WITH SEEING THEIR CHILDREN.. IT PRETTY LONG, SO BARE WITH ME. Its sad the Child Support System so many people confide in, dont realize it was Never established to be in the best interest of the Children.. Its was set up to tear down and separate Families even worse than they already are. If it wasnt, then it would enforce the rights of Fathers to see their Kids just as they do with ensuring up to 65% systematically comes out of the Fathers paycheck every 2 weeks. If youre going to get into the Big Business of Child Support, then go all the way.. Not just the financial aspect of it! Kids dont understand financials. They remember the time their Father took them to play at McDonalds or to the Park and played tag. Not how much Daddy spent on them. If that was the case, then my Mother who was poor coming up did a Horrible job if we rely on State standards regardless if she did raise us the best she could.. She tried and that was the best she could do and we appreciate it and cherish those moments because we spent time with her, not how much money she spent.. If The Best interest of the Child is defined solely in terms of Money, then none of us physically needed a Father in our Lives right? For the small percentage of Deadbeats compared to the Larger percentage of Fathers that try their hardest to be in their Childs life, the Mother can say NO for any reason she sees fit and nothing happens to her, but the Father is forced to pay an attorney $2000 to have his Rights enforced just to spend time with his Child. I like to call Mothers that keep their Kids from seeing their Fathers (Deadbeat Mothers).. Who are you to dictate because the Father didnt pay you last month, or didnt come to a Doctors appointment that your Child is better off not seeing his Father because of how YOU feel. You already made your bed, stop forcing your Child to lay in the mess that you are too Childish and lack the intelligence to fix. Im writing this for all the Fathers.. The Fathers that have to find some way outside of those $400 checks you are bringing home after they take Child Support and half your check just to pay an Attorney for something you should Already be entitled to.. For all the Fathers thats been called Deadbeat because you gave up after years and years of trying to mend things and see your Kids. For all the Fathers thinking about giving up. KEEP FIGHTING!! Go visit the Law Library on your local College Campus and File the Motion to Modify & Custody paperwork yourself for Free! If your Baby Mama claims she doesnt Work just to get more money from you out of spite, then whose been claiming your Kids on they Taxes all those years? File a Motion for her to produce 3 years of Taxes and Payroll documents. If she doesnt, she will be in contempt and you will have a case on your hands. There is a Child Support calculator available online that calculates Child Support for you. USE IT! If you are Broke, file what is called In Forma Pauperis.. Let them know you cant afford the Court fees associated with filing and you will be allowed to proceed. Print off EVERYTHING.. Now, the forms will seem lengthy and overwhelming. It will ask for Expenses, Car, Rent, Utilities etc.. Still fill it out, but understand THIS DOES NOT MATTER! All they Calculate is your Income versus Her income. How much Schooling, Daycare etc shes paying and if you have another Child, how much you are paying.. THATS IT! Thats all you will be calculated for. They dont care if your Rent is $1200. Its all about your income and expenses for other Children they take into consideration. Come Prepared.. Pay stubs, Tax Returns, Receipts, photos of your Kids room at your house, receipts for a Car Seat to transport your Kid in.. EVERYTHING. Show your efforts and means of providing for your Children. Judges automatically Discount you a piece of Shit standing in front of them so you have to plead your case. (typical) State visitation agreements are usually every other weekend and a day during the week like a Wednesday. Ask for that, its not too much but they understand you know what you are asking for. If you have a support system such as the Childs Grandmother (your Mom), make sure they are with you at court. You are allowed to have them speak on your behalf as a character witness. I mean, why not.. Its not like she doesnt drop the Kids off to her Mothers house on Weekends too right? Some people may ask, why do I care.. Before all this Comedy and Entertainment I was a Human being who is Still a Human being that cares and has serious concerns for this One-sided Child Support System setup against Fathers. I went through it, learned a lot about the system and how Fathers are treated. Many may ask, if more Fathers stood up it wouldnt be this way.. No, if we stood up and stood on the steps of City Hall we wouldnt be at work to make the money to pay our Child Support now would we? No Politician wants to take this issue up. As soon as a candidate mentions changing Child Support Laws, it comes off as an Attack on Mothers utilizing the System in a way that supports her financially and undermine her Authority of keeping the Kids to herself and controlling the relationship with their Father. We all know someone going through this, Tag them, Comment below. Ill respond and try to help the best I can or refer you to where you need to go. Keep Fighting and DONT GIVE UP!!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 03:40:05 +0000

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