PLOT TO ARREST OPPOSITION LEARDERS ON TRUMPT UP CHARGES LEAKS. Comrade Leaders I recently received an invitation from the Secretariat of the National Consultation (NC) on Free and Fair Elections in Uganda to attend a National Consultation on Free and Fair Elections scheduled to take place on November 24-26, 2014 at Hotel Africana, in Kampala. It is expected to host over 3000 people from broad spectrum of Ugandan society. This is indeed a commendable effort on the part of all the leaders who have tirelessly pursued this noble endeavour. Having said that, I need to share with all the leaders of the opposition forces and the populace at large some key information available to FREE UGANDA and advise the organisers of the conference not to take things for granted. They need to have contingency plans in case any of the things am going to mention below happen. The information available shows a frantic effort in government to try and sabotage the conference and ensure it does not take place. The opposition leaders have tried to show the national character of the consultation and it is in that spirit that the President and Speaker and other leaders from government have been invited to the conference. However, the above stance has not softened the government resolve to sabotage the conference. There are therefore THREE divided opinions in government. The first one is of the group that thinks that the conference should be permitted to proceed but with no participation from government so as to deny the conference any legitimacy and political capital. They argue that the president and Speaker should ignore the invitations and government should wait for the outcome before it takes a position on the outcome. This is led by two veteran movement leaders and a few lightweights in government. This is the weakest lobby and is considered naive at best or corroborative at most. I will not mention their names. The second group is that pushing the line that government allows the conference to take place but infiltrate it with government activists who will come in legitimately from the regions as representatives. This will be done through bribery and threats. They are also targeting some party leaders to help them advance divisive agenda during the conference. This group too discourages any direct participation by any government official. But they are willing to compromise on junior representation from government. The intention is to sabotage the process and neutralise any radical views that may be proposed. The third group is one bent on stopping the conference outright. They reason that allowing it to take place would be to give a platform to opposition groups and a head start in their 2016 efforts and would legitimise the subsequent leadership that may be chosen during the conference. They reason that it will refocus the opposition efforts and give them a unified national appeal. This is the line favoured by the fringe lobby who control things in Uganda these days and it is therefore likely to carry the day. GOVERNMENT CONTIGENCY PLANNING There are three committees that have been set up. But I will not go into details of each, suffice to state that one is tasked with coming up with concrete plans of 1-what reasons should be used to stop it. 2- how it should be done. 3- when. 4- how to manage the outcome. We are privy to information that there are three likely scenarios they are looking at: We understand government has been looking at the possibility of arresting some key leaders, especially Dr Besigye and a few other vocal ones on trumped up charges for treason immediately before the conference. That government agencies have been collecting statements from several people for this and the Mugumya saga is closely linked to this. The question still unsolved is when and how to handle the repercussions. The other option being looked at is the use of the excuse of terrorism and cause mayhem two days before and “request the organisers that the conference be postponed. Or if that cannot be done, then even at the opening of the conference, stage terror acts, cause general scare as the so called perpetrators are arrested and divert peoples’ attention from the conference and cause mayhem. As you know, the excuse of terrorism and murders has been used by the police chief to hoodwink his master and really blackmail him into “ring fencing” the police job for him, even when it is clear that he has led to the disintegration of NRM for which he is supposed to be a cadre and caused huge divisions within security institutions. The government is aware that all these are wrought with real dangers and may fear to carry through its machinations. But like was put by Euripides: “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”, at times, also referred to as DIVINE MADNESS. This is why the opposition groups organising this conference must take this warning seriously. You need to work out contingency plans (Plan B) for each scenario and the appropriate course of action in each event. The recklessness of government cannot be sufficiently punished if we do not forecast or carry out threat analysis and put in place effective measures to counter those threats. That is why Intelligence Estimates are as vital for opposition forces as they are for government. FREE UGANDA wishes you fruitful deliberations. Gen David Sejusa Chairman Free Uganda
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:13:04 +0000

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