POEM - Communication ©2013, Michael Bradford – Kuala Lumpur, - TopicsExpress


POEM - Communication ©2013, Michael Bradford – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Sept 30 – 1am Humans are funny creatures, seldom do they say what they really mean, And seldom do they really mean what they say – how strange this all is? You would think people would say what they mean, to be clear, precise, And you would think people would really mean what they say – not so. Unfortunately we learn, either culturally, or through fear, not to be direct, Not to tell the entire truth, not to identify our true feelings, to talk in riddles, For some of us, we have never had a heart to heart connection or talk, With our parents, relatives, siblings – or even our closest friends – no one. For some of us, we are not aware of, in touch with, our authentic feelings, We are not in touch with our emotions, our longings, passion, life force, Some of us are not in touch with our fears, anger, wants, needs, desires. All of this remains trapped, hidden, suppressed, contained deep within us. Humans communicate in many ways, with words, actions, feelings, gestures, Yet what are we really saying, sharing, offering when we communicate? One close friend laughed at me, then themselves, saying something profound, They said Michael, you only know how to talk deep, while I only talk shallow, She had a way of talking for hours, without ever being present, saying anything, Within minutes of my meeting people, we would be talking about deep things, Which is right, which is better, which is healthier, which benefits us the most? Why do you talk, what is the purpose and meaning when you communicate? For me idle chatter, laughter, can be fun for a while, then I get tired, bored, What I am curious about is why people are the way they are, about life and living, I am hungry to know, to understand, to learn, to gain knowledge, wisdom, What do people think, feel, believe, interact the way they do? Why, why, why? What are their thoughts, feelings, fears, desires, passions, dreams, longings? I am curious about more than what food they like, the clothes they wear, I care more about who they are as a person, their journey, challenges in life, Than in their social status, the car they drive, the social circles they travel in. I would rather spend an hour with someone sharing the depths of their soul, Than a week chattering away about the weather, saying little, meaning nothing, My heart longs for people willing to touch, fully embrace their soul, and mine, My heart longs for people willing, committed to their own soul growth, healing. I wonder if the more educated we get, the more we lose connection to our heart? I wonder if the more successful we get, the more we lose connection to our soul? People closer to the land, to nature, to simplicity seem to be more connected, More in touch with themselves, the land, nature, spirit – and to each other. Communication and connection has little to do with education, or success, It has to do with feeling, keeping your heart, mind open, vulnerable, curious, With allowing other to see you, feel you, sense you, touch you, connect with you, With your willingness to be authentic, totally present, without walls, defences.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 00:01:03 +0000

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