POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY No Sign Of Peace Anywhere!! We are in the most dire of situations and it seems to be getting worse The government acts in such nefarious ways. Why are they so perverse? Illegal immigration is getting so out of hand. Oh how it has been spiking We have a President who doesnt mind. All this is to his liking We are try to get answers to scandals that so border on criminality A Special Prosecutor is so needed but we wont due to a corrupt AG And to our astonishment we are told we have a tranquil global Community If that is so why is there violence everywhere. Can someone please tell me? We have a President who gets absolutely no respect as his ego forever runs wild He talks to us in such a condescending way. He thinks each one of us is a child We are to believe everything he says and not see things as they actually are Im sure that he is a sociopath for all the things he says and does are bizarre It is our misfortune to have him leading us in a world that is clearly on the edge His narcissism is such for it is to he and only he that our loyalty we must pledge What is happening to this country is going accordingly to his master plan Hes an Alinskyite to the core. He has learned so much from that evil man We have two years left in this administration. Will we be able to survive? Theres hope no further damage will cause America to take a fatal dive How one man could have caused such devastation will need to be analyzed One thing we know for certain. No President in our history has been more despised!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:31:53 +0000

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