POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY What Is to Come?? Polls show widespread dissatisfaction with our President He cares not at all at his seemingly rapid descent Hes determined as can be to finalize his radical agenda Its a fight to the finish for us to try and save our America The illegals are coming in by thousands and disease is spreading There is this feeling of helplessness. Where is all of this heading? The immigration breakdown is creating such mayhem and disorder Obama relishes this calamity, caring not for security at the border He has pieced together coalitions that still hold together Cant these fools see things are far worse and not better? The cult of his personality seems to be the glue To his supporters there is nothing wrong that he can do He has as his core of support a collection of societal misfits Most have a double digit IQ, truly a bunch of low class idiots Many, if not all, have their hand out looking for something free as our despot continued to espouse the tripe of income inequality We are slowly becoming an America enmeshed in a sea of insanity The divisive nature of this administration is pure Alinsky This feckless demagogue focuses, isolates and then its demonization There is no need to look for any deeper explanation What are we to do?? Concentrate on the election months away? If the GOP wins big as expected will it give us a better day? We still have this tyrant to deal with for over two more years The Republicans will still run scared. Obama still gives them fears This despot has done enough and there will be much more to come His tyranny will go unabated. To his evil ways the GOP will succumb These Executive abuses go on without any rhyme or reason Some of it has been so egregious that it borders on treason We and scratch our heads wondering why the House does not a thing except head for the nearest camera to do endless insipid posturing They wont dare impeach this SOB but they have the power of the purse The FOUNDERS left things at their disposal but to that they are averse
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 15:22:45 +0000

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