POLITICAL PARANOIA - FORMER MI5 SPY & WHISTLE-BLOWER DRAGGED by POLICE - Whilst CAMERON ASKS OBAMA TO PUT HEAT ON FACEBOOK: The elephant is sitting in the living room, and now we all can see it; Mass hysteria has raged through the Political puppet elite worldwide. Former MI5 spies and former NSA and even former CIA case officers have started to say in public the un-told TRUTH - and that is that most of the Terrorist Attrocities are funded and stage-managed by Buckingham Palace and the White House... Almost a dozen of the World Leaders at the Charlie Hebdo rally were listed at the bottom of a survey ranking them for ABUSE OF JOURNALISTIC FREEDOMS. Now, today, one of the central headlines in Britain is Cameron’s objective is to get FACEBOOK to co-operate to make sure our intelligence agencies get all the information they need.” The blogosphere is saying that is Orwellian double-speak for SHUTTING DOWN independent News Blogs and stifling Freedom of Speech on Facebook... Why? Well, it is fast becoming apparent that not all these world leaders are leaders at all - but puppet mouth-pieces for a larger and more over-bearing governance force which seems to be Buckingham Palace. Secondly, many of the so called EXTREMIST MUSLIMS on the front page headlines are actually WORKING FOR HER MAJESTYS SPYING SERVICE! I think it is fair to say that the existence of FACEBOOK is seen as a THREAT by the [mostly] jewish politicians heading the European Democracies. Some British-jewish government ministers have even said that there is a WAR on Social Media - meaning that they need to stifle the TRUTH about how elections are fixed and the very obvious scandalous mis-use of taxes by invading and occupying African and Arabian countries in order to steal their oil, gold, minerals and assets. The other most sensitive raw nerve is that these governments are very worried that former MI5 and MI6 agents are spilling the beans on Facebook and explaining that a lot of the Extemist [supposedly Muslim] bombers, slashers and murderers are actually on Bucking Palaces PAYROLL! British newspapers have been force-fed a new SPIN about drummer Lee Rigby who was murdered in Woolwich, south east London; Headlines today say Information from Facebook could have stopped the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby, 25, in May 2013. These headlines are more or less blaming FACEBOOK for the murder! A report said FACEBOOK failed to pass on crucial data, calling it a “safe haven for terrorists”. Newspapers claim that the alleged killer posted a comment indicating that he intended to target and kill a member of the British military... Newspapers are claiming that one of the killers, Michael Adebowale, wrote about killing a soldier five months before the attack. Parliament’s intelligence and security committee discovered Facebook shut down his accounts – but failed to alert security services... BUT WAIT! Michael Adebowales friend and neighbour is on record via the BBC saying that he was constantly approached by Her Majestys spying organisation, MI5, and was OFFERED A JOB as a spy! Not surprisingly, when the MI5 information was broadcast by the BBC, it was quickly squashed. Michael Adebowale apparently ignored and refused to be part of MI5 - so we must, for truths sake, ask if the entire incident was a frame up of Michael Adebowale, or was it, as some bloggers claim, an MI5 false flag designed to build morale and support within the British Army for more attacks on Muslim countries? But this tangled web of fake muslim terrorists recruited by Buckingham Palace goes much deeper - Michael Adebolajo was the accomplice in the slasher attack in Woolwich, and his neighbour is Abu Nusaybah, who told the BBC Newsnight TV show that his friend - Michael Adebolajo, one of two men arrested after Drummer Lee Rigbys murder in south-east London - had rejected multiple JOB OFFERS from MI5 to work for them! Another neighbour, Kemi Ibrahim-Adeoti, speaks about the Michael Adebolajo she knew. She describes him as typical teenage from a strong Christian background. CHRISTIAN!?! Not Muslim? Annie Machon, who once worked for MI5, has revealed that MI5 has been in the habit of telling lies in order to send innocent people to jail! And it seems those people who have been framed by MI5 are usually portrayed as Muslim even though some of them are not! The younger brother of one of the men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby was paid thousands of pounds by MI6 as part of spying operations in the Middle East. Jeremiah Adebolajo, who uses the name Abul Jaleel, was also asked to help ‘turn’ his brother, Michael, to work for MI5! A document seen by The Mail on Sunday details concerns raised by Jeremiah’s family about MI6’s alleged harassment in April last year. In it, Jeremiah’s sister, Blessing Adebolajo, 32, who works as a human resources assistant in London, says her brother was approached by MI6 while he was working at the University of Ha’il – an important strategic location in the Middle East because it takes only one hour by plane to reach 11 Arab capitals. Another worrying trend is that whistle-blowers such as DAVID SHAYLER [former MI5] and BRADLEY MANNING [military intelligence analyst/contractor] have both seemingly desired to live the rest of their lives as Women - blogs are, of course, asking if this is the result of some kind of mind trickery which has been programmed into whistle-blowers. THE ENIGMA CHANNEL make investigative documentaries about subjects which are suppressed, squashed, censored or banned by the mainstream media - watch a ton of great documentaries and movies right now which are not available on YouTube enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Sign_Up.html
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:38:41 +0000

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