POST-INSPIRE INSIDE OUT EVENT POST. WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. From the video description, it writes: This was a great day for the Tour. It was our last day and we decided to delay our return home to visit our old friend Sébastien Foucan in Lisses, birthplace of Parkour. He had mentioned to us that David was keen to meet with Daniel but we didnt know quite what to expect. And then, while we were in the middle of something else, he joined us. The three of them spoke for a while about movement, family and other things. I know everyone will want to hear every breath of their conversation but it wouldnt be right. Although it happened on our Tour it was essentially a private moment and we should respect that. In the excitement of YouTube videos its easy to forget that these people have their private lives and they need to keep somethings just for themselves. David was there to meet Daniel, not to be filmed or interviewed by us. While the conversation will remain within the three of them, we believe that a good majority of the discussion can probably be summed up in Daniel Ilabacas last words in the video: The most important thing is what we can be for the next generation. More than anything, Parkour is only part of what we do. Its not the main driver. It is all about being an inspiration. To be a good example within the world, the community... For those whom have attended, we all not only knew what it was about, we also felt it. To the Inspire event team, all the Parkour organizations/groups in the country that have attended, to the volunteers and participants, MARAMING SALAMAT at MABUHAY! #PKPHinspire
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:02:26 +0000

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