PRAISE TO GOD FOR A LIVING HOPE Praise be to the God and Father - TopicsExpress


PRAISE TO GOD FOR A LIVING HOPE Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In his great mercy he has given us his new birth unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3) In the whole letter the apostle tells us about all his achievements through faith and the incomparable grace of Jesus Christ. He was able to speak about for the tremendous experience he had had on Pentecost day when the Holy Spirit filled all the people sitting in that house. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house. They saw tongues of fire that separated came upon the rest on each of them. Because of the Holy Spirit divine experience all began to speak different tongues, and they were astonished as people from other places spoke their own languages. How were they? Altogether, in the same spirit; as all Christians must be now more than ever. The Lord is coming soon. The Bride in white linen is waiting for his Husband. Peter quotes Joel when he says that in the last days the Holy Spirit will be poured on men and women. This promise is in our hands now. Hold of it! Peter, the one known for his denial, repented bitterly and the Lord forgave him, knowing his heart disposition to extend the Kingdom of God. When Peter makes the miracle of the crippled man healing saying “Silver or Gold I do not have, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk”,(Acts 3:6) he is teaching us how to perform a miracle: saying just the words that healing must do. What did the crippled man need? Walk. Whose name? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Think how difficult was to preach about Christ resurrection at that time. The principals of the synagogue asked him how it was that he could make miracles in the name of a man that has been crucified and dead recently. Really still there are people that have the veil and cannot see the sacrifice and victory of the Lord over sin and illness. In the letter Peter calls us a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and says we may declare the praises of him who calls us from darkness into his wonderful light. Do you remember the vision that Peter had in Acts 10:13-14? He considered impure and unclean what the Lord had order to kill and eat. Later when Cornelious calls him and he and his house receive the Holy Spirit he wondered that gentiles could receive it. What made him change his way of thinking? Peter•s cup was overflowing with the Holy Spirit when the power of God was working in him. Bless be the mercy of Jesus Christ, because those being in the worse darkness of sin and vices went out to his wonderful light! Through Jesus• resurrection the Holy Spirit is with us and we can work the works of God (John 6:28). For his living hope, we have eternal life, we have salvation, we hope the healing of our bodies and souls. We hope peace and joy for our hearts. Life in Christ is a message of hope. Stand up and walk! Don•t stop, don•t be inactive. Just believe and you will see the glory of God!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:02:56 +0000

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