PRAYER LIST - PHYSICAL HEALING Please type in your state below - TopicsExpress


PRAYER LIST - PHYSICAL HEALING Please type in your state below you are praying from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Heather: Veteran wtih PTSD needs prayer for being a shopaholic and recovering from smoking weed. Been clean for 6 years. 2. Raylene: Urgent Prayer request. Son of family she knows strangled mother unconscious and then took his own life. 3. Heather: Health has taken a turn for the worst and now hospitalized. Pray for doctor’s guidance. 4. Unnamded prayer request: Youngest son 27 struggles with anxiety, adhd and depression and making it easy for self medication. Pray get’s renewed from earlier church relationship and Jesus becomes powerfully manifest in his life. 5. Need to lift up family of Catfish as he passed away. 6. Unnamed Prayer request: I need prayers please. Im suffering with chronic depression and anxiety. Im trying to fight this battle but i feel like Im running out of fight. Pray for my children as they are having to deal with alot. 7. Kassie: Pray for fibromyalgia, fighting thyroid condition. Worried about hair loss. Single mom and husband in prison. 8. Marie: Pray for her friends baby which recently had tonsils and adenoids removed and now is throwing up blood and blood clots. 9. Shane: Wife has fibromyalgia. Pain and suffering is frequent. Worse it has ever been right now. Meds do nothing. 10. Roseann: Pray for April’s baby Mr. Porter as a premature baby. Needs prayers to help in breathing. 11. Shirley: Pray for brother Michael. Having seizures of which one broke his back. Has been an addict for 40 years and believe that’s what caused the seizures. 12. Jessica: Pray for Uncle Jimmy injured in hunting accident and now in ICU. 13. Shelly: Pray for complete healing of COPD, Youngest daughter addicted to pain pills, Baby born in April with pills in system. 14. Meredith: Pray for Christopher, a young boy who was hit by a tractor trailer. In ICU. 15. Joyce: Urgent prayer request for Tina, her son was in a very back wreck (Kody) and is on life support and hasn’t woke up. 16. Alli: Pray for cousin Rob going into neurosurgery to remove a tumor that has grown back. Father and husband. 17. Sara: Pray for cousin in ICU in a motorcycle crash. 18. Brenda: Friend of daughter 17 yrs old intentional drug overdose and on life support. Long history of depression. 19. Linda: pray for family member who was just diagnosed with Leukemia. 20. Danny: Fighting stage 4 lung cancer. Pray that he will grow stronger and not weaker as the enemy is a LIAR and the father of lies. 21. Angie: Pray for husband who has hit his ring finger which has become yellow and green and swollen and went to ER. Is a diabetic. No weapon formed against us will prosper. God’s ministers are at work and will not allow the enemy to distract us from doing God’s will. 22. Kelli: Pray for son who is homeless and addicted to meth and running from God as fast as he can. 23. Cindy: Pray for friend in Florida with pneumonia. Hospitalized for a long time. Dr.’s Don’t know what is wrong. Pray for her health, strength and to be a beacon of light again. 24. Shay: Pray for finances and Fibro and Lupas. Pray the Lord deliver her from her pain and help her become a strong witness of Gods miraculous power. (Eph. 3:21 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Lord may you work in Shays life miraculously. 25. Davida: Niece Lisa has Fibromyalgia. Pray for the pain to subside and a miraculous healing. 26. Michelle: Sister Melody suffering from Kidney failure. 25+ years of addiction. Pray one more Christmas if not a complete and full healing touch from the Lord. Pray that she will know the Lord in wondrous ways before her departure. Pray for her family. 27. Kris: Pray for son Terrance who was shot, pray he is okay and this experience draws him close to God.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:57:53 +0000

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