PRESS CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY COALITION OF EKUMFI YOUTH FOR DEVELOPMENT (C.E.Y.D) AT EKUMFI ESSARKYIR ON 16TH DECEMBER, 2014 AT 10 AM EKUMFI YOUTH WANT THE KIILLERS OF PROF MILLS ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED Good morning to you all. We are most grateful for your presence, especially our colleagues from the various media houses. Though the invitation came very late but you have all managed to be here on time. We really appreciate that. Ladies and gentlemen from the media, the purpose of this press conference is to let the government, all Ghanaians and the whole world know that, the youth and the people of Ekumfi want the perpetrators of Prof Mills’ death identified, arrested and punished by the laws of the land. All this while, the people of Ekumfi have never come to terms as to why their son of the soil, who was the first Fante man to be president of Ghana, could die in office under such mysterious circumstances. Since the death of Prof Mills on 24th July, 2012, a lot of reports have been given by people in government as to the circumstances surrounding his death. Though we admit that Prof Mills was from a family and the family should be making these demands, we think that as President of Ghana, he was the star of Ekumfi whom the youth drew a lot of hope and inspiration from. In fact, the youth of Ekumfi were dealt a hefty blow by Prof Mills’ sudden demise and it is in this vain that we will not sit down unconcerned for some ‘greedy bastards’ to take the life of Prof. Mills for their ownselfish political interest. The truth, they say, can never be hidden forever and therefore we are highly elated that at long last the cat is being let out of the bag. Thank God Yaw Boateng Gyan, the current National Organizer of the ruling National Democratic Congress, has given a hint that he knows the killers of Prof Mills and he (Boateng Gyan) will only name those murderers when his opponent provokes him. Mr. Boateng Gyan is quoted to have said on Hello fm, a Kumasi-based radio station that: “I hear my opponent has been going round with a certain tape about my alleged involvement in the World Cup in Brazil. I am not worried, but people should know that there are so many tapes that we can also play. Let’s not forget how someone said he would make sure the late President Mills did not run the second term; in his case not only did President Mills not run for the second term but he (President Mills) can’t be found today amongst the living and these are the people we are dealing with”. This statement from Yaw Boateng Gyan confirms that Prof Mills did not die of massive stroke as Ghanaians have been made to believe, but was intentionally killed at the castle before being put into a pick- up truck and taken to the 37 military hospital accompanied by two soldiers. The disgraceful handling even confirms what we are being told today by Yaw Boateng Gyan. We ask, the following questions; 1. What are those ‘so many tapes’ Yaw Boateng Gyan talks about? 2. Are those tapes those which border on how Prof Mills was killed? 3. Who are the people Mr. Boateng is warning to expose? 4. Why hasn’t the government, BNI, the Police Administration and the National Security picked or invited Mr. Boateng-Gyan to name the killers of Prof. Mills? 5. He was the First Gentleman of Ghana from 2009 to 2012, was his life not important to the government as president then? We are saddened by his demise; we have put our hopes in him as uncle, father and brother to help bring the needed development into our district. It is this development that would lead to employment in the district. Now we are totally neglected after his death. Most of the development projects started by him have been abandoned; the youths of Ekumfi are now leaving for Accra to seek greener pastures leaving behind the aged and the kids. We, the youths of Ekumfi are using this medium to call on the John Mahama-led NDC government to order the BNI the Police Administration and other security agencies to arrest Yaw Boateng Gyan and ask him to make available those tapes and name the killers of Prof Mills. If that is not done then that will confirm our long-held belief that indeed some big shots in government really killed Prof Mills. We are giving a two-week ultimatum to the government and the security agencies to take action on this else they will hear from us with respect to our next line of action. May the soul of our beloved Uncle and former President of Ghana, rest in perfect peace. We are pledging to the whole world that we would not rest till the real truth of the death of the son of our motherland comes out. Long live Ekumfiman, Long live Ghana. Mustapha Anderson 0208121758 (President) Ibrahaim Quansah 0276960656 (Secretary-Spokesperson)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:42:49 +0000

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