PRIVILEGE SPEECH: LAW & GRACE AS WE ARE CALLED FOR THIS YEAR 2014-2015 WITH THE THEME: AN OBEDIENT DISCIPLES OF OUR RISEN LORD JESUS. FOR THE COMING SONA OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. The uploaded photo & submitted privilege speech dated July 21, 2014 which is received of the office of the Mayor & Vice Mayor with the SANGGUNIAN BAYAN MEMBERS of our Municipality of Balayan in our Province of Batangas is important to our President of the Republic of the Philippines to be informed into three (3) important problems to be observed; 1. The CHARTER CHANGE of the 1986-1987 Philippine Constitution after the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS of the Year 2016 which there are provisions to be corrected including the power of the PRESIDENT of his/her issuance of EMERGENCY POWER & even of the declaration of his/her Presidential Decree etc., & other important matter like of the RESIGNATION & IMPEACHMENT under our RULE OF LAW to any elected or public officials either National or Local Government Units. Most especially even the long term plan of how our JUDICIAL SYSTEM will lead us into a fast solution to know the real TRUTH & NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH compared for our PEOPLE REVOLT of what happened in the 1986 & 2001 EDSA REVOLUTION of which it should be clear under the true Spirit of the Law of what is truly UNCONSTITUTIONAL or CONSTITUTIONAL with high respect into our RULE OF LAW without any rivalry to any political leaders as far as our Philippine Context is concerned. 2. The controversial scam of the PDAF with our whistle blowers about the scandals of our Elected Officials and the participations in the scam of our NGOS using billion of Pesos from our National Budget/Funds. Even the controversial DAP of the President as considered Pork Barrel of the Chief Executive that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL either it was used in the proper distributions of billions of Pesos from our National Budget or not as violation of abused of power is another matter & with this there is no other choice of what to do to resolved these scandals in our Philippine Government but only to review & study to approve and become a Law the Freedom of Information (FOI). 3. The coming National & Local Elections in the Year 2016 for the Presidential & other positions in our National & Local Elections to observed why there are rampant Graft & Corruption with the involvement of our officials but we should be aware of the proper due process of the Law either there are scandals or issues to be observed. All of the above mentioned are what we have to focus in helping our PRESIDENT of the Republic of the Philippines in his SONA tomorrow July 28, 2014. Let us Pray.....
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 11:32:53 +0000

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