PROMOTERS OF SATANISM AND ATHEISM. On my wall this morning, I saw - TopicsExpress


PROMOTERS OF SATANISM AND ATHEISM. On my wall this morning, I saw some a post and some comments calling the devil a freedom fighter, first free thinker and an imaginary figure, and the BIBLE a fairy tale Satan (he who was created) fought for Freedom to disobey and to be disloyal, if I am to react to the post. Now, civilization and philosophy does not mean people have to become heretics. I started studying hard books beyond my age from my JSS1 (Uwani Secondary School, Enugu). In all the lies and mysticism of those books I saw God standing TRUE. I have seen power and for sure I know he exist. I knew a young and beautiful girl during our NYSC before she traveled to the UK. I have watched her post/comments metamorphosize from that of christain to an atheist, pegan or whatever front she is promoting. Know this, U may get a billion likes on your (satanic) post it doesnt make your post true and worthy of commendation. The devil, satan or what ever U chose to call him has many agents who will continue to like your (develish) post for it praises their master. Concern urself with things on earth, where U inhabit. Leave that which is of the kingdom before the earth. I am a philosopher who knows the difference. I know God and he does not infringe of peoples right. He is the GOD OF JUSTICE. Studying pegan books without the Holy Spirit to guide U is comitting spiritual suicide. Beware of your soul, that is if U believe u have one. PEOPLE beware, So Many Antichrists and satanists now exist. Mind who you accept as friends on facebook. The world will come to an end for sure but for now DEATH bringeth momentary endings to human lives. BEWISE!!! GOD (who exists) is JUST and will come with his reward in due time. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:52:14 +0000

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