PROPHETIC FULFILLMENT!!! “And blessed is she that believed: for - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC FULFILLMENT!!! “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45 Men and brethren, you will be remembered for two things in life and after life– The problems you solved and the problems you created. There are several things that have been written off in life that will be delivered and restored in the remaining part of this year because of Prophetic declaration. Listen, you may have made some mistakes from January to this time but you must not allow your mistakes to stop your dreams because your future is bigger than your mistakes. Your mistakes are your yesterday but your future is your tomorrow. When you begin to think about what went wrong yesterday, you will not be able to see your tomorrow. You lose sight of the prophetic injunction that can overrule every negative pronouncement against your dominion in life. It is amazing that so many destinies have been threatened and men are living in fear in their own house. There are some people that the devil has seen their stars at birth and declared war. But right where you are, you are a believer, not because you are in the church, but because you are in the covenant. The curse and spell against your life and name can be defiled by the blood of Jesus; it is possible to remove and destroy the embargo on your assignment because you are covenant child and covenant children are evidence of prophetic fulfilment. Mary believed the word spoken by the Angel, she doubted her doubts “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her” Luke 1:38 God is calling you out today saying “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19. Your disappointment and the bad dreams shall become history on the day of your prophetic fulfilment. The hardship, pains and disappointment you suffered shall become history because this season shall be your days of prophetic fulfilment and performance. God will turn your error to honour The problem you run from is the miracle you can never have. Every problem is a raw material for the next miracle. Do not run away from problem. Rather, confront them with the word of God. Let them know who you are and God will respond to you with miracles. Men and brethren, if God needs your attention, He will create an experience you cannot explain. When God wants to do something new in your life, He will create a situation you cannot explain. Most times, heaven plants situations that will make us creative. For example, the invention of Aircraft is a product of idea. Poverty is an expression of lack of relevant ideas and purpose in life. Show me a man that is poor, and I will show you a man that is ignorant of the covenant. If you don’t position yourself to what God is saying, you will not manifest destiny. What you don’t prepare for, you cannot attract in life. A person without focus will end up with a bleak future. A nation without a national workable policy will only exist and remain stagnant. Listen, when anointed word, which means spirit filled word, is spoken on a hungry and desperate soul, the answer will be prophetic recreation and prophetic change. It takes and lifts you above demonic powers, poverty, devourer and reproach. It allows heaven to empower your idle potentials, break protocols and reverse policies that will grant you an end of the year harvest. Let me encourage you again that Elizabeth and the husband were in the house of the Lord and God honoured them with John; the easiest way to receive prophetic declaration and fulfilment is by doing the work of God. What you do for God and others is timeless but what you do for yourself dies with you. If you are in church and you are not involved in any work, you are the one delaying your blessings and your destiny. God keeps records of our services. Until you serve God, your life will not be serviced. When you serve God, He will bless you with longevity. In Exodus 23:25, the Scripture says, “And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” You must serve God with your time, talent, (your body) and with your treasures. When you serve God, you attract His attention and become His responsibilities. We are suffering not because God is weak, but because we are ignorant of what to do to pursue the promise of God in the covenant. The Scripture says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6. Most times, we easily take some decisions we do not sustain and maintain. By the anointing of God upon this commission, receive power to command your end of year blessings, to perform your covenant obligation and to move in the supernatural without restrictions. Let God do wonderful, incredible, amazing and unthinkable things for you in this season of prophetic fulfilment. if you believe shout a bigger amen to claim it. MORNING CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH!!!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 08:54:55 +0000

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