PROPHETIC REVELATION RESTORES FAMILY AFTER 34 YEARS Mr Emmanuel Nwoye Okonkwo has lived in the UK for 32 years yet with nothing to show for it. For 34 years, he had separated from his wife but met her again in The SCOAN. He never believed such a reunion could be possible. Last Sunday, he received prophecy about his 4 marital encounters in which the women left one after the other. This had made him feel as if he was the ugliest man in the world. He admitted that he was not actually in love with his ex-wife, it was his mother’s arrangement. He didn’t know her but to satisfy his mother he married her. Things were going well until he started making money in his transport business. Then trouble started. He remembered that his wife used to request blank cheques for her to withdraw what she wanted. From that time, friction came between the couple. He knew that the idea he had was taken from where she used to go to the hairdressing salon, where his wife used to gossip with her friends. She started nagging him for more and more money and stopped him from leaving the house to go to work until he satisfied her demands. Fights were commonplace. An specific fight led him to hit her and she collapsed. As she got up from the blow, she went straight to the car and smashed the car windscreens front and back. She left the house after that incident. Any business he started, his ex-wife destroyed it, one after the other. He went to different places and they all told him that the woman was responsible for all his woes. Had gone everywhere he could go for solution. He visited all native doctors for solution but could not find any. Then, he discovered The SCOAN Branch in London and began to fellowship there. From there, he saw the work of Prophet T.B. Joshua and the wise men at The SCOAN Headquarters in Lagos and his heart longed to be there. He decided to return to Nigeria and go to The SCOAN in Lagos. His son encouraged him to come to The SCOAN in Lagos and assisted him financially to make the trip. He could not believe his eyes that the second person the man of God touched that day was him! The man of God hit the nail on the head about his marital problem and his health, the prostate problem he had been battling with. When he shared his deliverance experience with his son, he decided to join his father and come to the church to meet with Prophet T.B. Joshua in this rare opportunity. His other son, who was a footballer, who he had tried to bring to the United Kingdom but without success. There had been enmity between them and he no longer acted like a son towards him but after his prophecy and deliverance, when he met his son at the church he smiled and send his grandchild to him. The grandchild greeted Mr Emmanuel and climbed into his arms and slept soundly. He wept with joy he had not felt in a long time. He was amazed because he had been told that his ex-wife was a real witch by so many prophets, pastors and spiritualists. It has been 34 years since he has seen her last. Ifeanyi Kenneth Okonkwo – He rarely goes to church and is not a churchgoer, nor does he pray. He says he only believed in the law of nature – don’t do evil or evil will come to you. He was introduced to his wife, who said she was a Christian and would quote the scriptures but in practice, she exhibited contrary characters to her profession. He was amazed that after going to church and singing songs to God, she would come back and not care about him or the children in spite of his ill health. She preferred her work then caring for her husband and the family and later on, she left the marriage, taking the children and property of the house away. He was made to believe that his shared a common destiny of problems and crises as his father and he heard of the accusation that his mother was a witch but he maintained a neutral ground between his mother and father because he, himself did not know how to identify a witch. So, he said that he would remain neutral until God would play His role. He renovated his father’s house in the village expecting that his mother could come back there to take care of the house but his father bitterly refused. When the father said he was going to The SCOAN, he was gladdened because he had been trying to get his father to come home to Nigeria. He though he was joking initially but when he sent money for the ticket, his father was on his way. He received his father at the airport and as he did not believe in church, he allowed his driver to sleep over to take his father to the church early the next day. Before he woke up, he was already in the church. His father came back rejoicing and after recounting his encounter with the prophet of God, he said that all the family was invited to come to The SCOAN for reconciliation. The son was so surprised because he had been trying to get his mother to come to be with him in Lagos but she refused. Now, both his father and mother were in Lagos without any effort. He said the entire family must come as they had been invited. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua revealing the mind of God said that the woman was not a witch, rather she was afflicted and had a stubborn spirit. The family is now reunited and reconciled after 34 years of separation. The eldest son, Ifeanyi added that some of his friends called him to complain that he lived so close to The SCOAN yet he refused to associate with the man of God. He sponsored someone from UK with HIV to come to The SCOAN for healing and his friend told him that the person had received their healing and had even had two children, free from HIV/AIDS. He now feels so ashamed of how he had allowed himself to be deceived against believing in any prophet or man of God due to his past experience and urged all who would listen to trust in God and in His prophet. Truly, a little example can have a big influence. Ready for more? Tune in to
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 12:52:17 +0000

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