PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Corinthians 14:3, 31) “The Sacrifice of the Ram of Praise Instead of the Death of Your Dream” By Moses Hightower These words came unto me, (The Lord brought to my mind Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, and then these words came to me) I have settled every argument that you have with the evil one, even his arguments that he has with you over your shortcomings and failures. My cross and my blood are the payment for all that you have done. I did not simply pay for your way out of darkness, but I paid for all your debts, sicknesses, and sins. Do not be a slave to any of these, for I have paid for them. They are paid for. Now rest in full assurance. I have paid for these things, and they cannot bind you and keep you from the blessings of Abraham. I delivered Israel from Egyptian captivity. Do you think that they all had done well? I delivered them because I loved them, not because they were perfect. Do not allow your failures and your shortcomings to be the bars that keep you in debt and sickness. I have made a way through these things. The Red Sea did not bar the children of Israel from Canaan land. The laws of nature did not stop them from going over on dry land, neither shall the laws of the creditors prevent you from that which I will freely give you. Be assured in the faith of Jesus Christ. I have not rewarded you according to your transgressions and your sins, but according to my loving-kindness, I have rewarded you. Compare my loving-kindness to your troubles. Are the two equivalent? According to my loving-kindness, I stretch forth the hand of deliverance and bring you out by my mighty hand of redemption and grace. Grace has leaped to your defense. Love has stretch forth the rod of its demand and the mouth of all power has spoken on your behalf. Lift up your confidence from the bed of tears and sorrows. Lift up your eyes from the voice of the worlds judgment. The decrees of the judges of the world do not have the final word on behalf of those who are mine. The river of Jordan roared and extended out of its banks. The word of their impossibility came into the hearts of those who sought a way through its waters. I disallowed the waters and backed them up while my people crossed over on dry land. I am the same Lord and the same God. Refuse to be intimidated by the voices of impossibilitys army. They shout and they rage, but their voices do not determine the outcome of things. I am the head of all principalities and all powers. I have spoken to the principalities and the powers. They have bowed before you in times past. Now behold them as they bow again at the voice of my power. Cease your struggle to understand the way of the world and its system. Even if you understood it, fright would be the expression of your emotions. Look to me, the God of your salvation, and behold the hand of peace in the face of this negative report. I am the God of your salvation and the God of all your circumstances. Circumstances are not puzzles without solutions. They are problems to be solved by the God of answers. Is anything too hard for me? Press through these things and unto praise. Your praise shall be your ram in the thicket of the Lords preparation. Cause your ram to sound the call of its offer. Do not allow the ram of praise to be silent, but allow it to bellow the victory of its purpose. (bellow: make noise, roar, call, trumpet, bugle, cry, yell) Your praise is your ram. Bring it out of the thicket and offer it upon the altar of worship. Worship from the foundation of your love for me. I have strengthened your foundation of love. Stand on this revived foundation of love and offer sacrifices well pleasing unto me. Refuse to worship from the foundation of feelings and emotions. They are temporal. Worship from the revived foundation of love. I have revived love in you. You can now love me as I have commanded, for I have given you the desire, the sufficiency, the ability, and the motivation. Worship the Lord, your God. I am good and my mercy endures forever. Worship and praise the King of your life. By me, offer the sacrifices of praise continually, that is, the fruit of your lips offering thanks unto the name of Jesus. Magnify my glorious name. You know that the name of Jesus is the name above all names. You know that the name of Jesus is the family name. Magnify the name of the ruling family. My family rules in the earth. I have set up an everlasting kingdom. The increase of my government and peace has no ending. There is no crisis in my government. There is no accuser who can stand and lay any charge to my elect. Place your debts in my hands, and the water of redemption shall dissolve them. Place your sins before my throne, and the sceptre of righteousness shall exonerate you. Behold the wave of exoneration as it clears you of all charges in the presence of the evil prosecuting attorney of the air, the accuser of the brethren. He has preached his doctrine of condemnation and read his accusations in your ears and mine. I will tear up his script and preach the doctrine of holy blood in his ears. Hear the voice of my blood as it speaks better things in his ears and yours. I proclaim a new version of your verdict. The only one who can edit my orders has edited it. Because I can swear by no other, I have sworn by myself. Behold the orders for your deliverance. These orders come from on high. Hear the orders of the Lord. Be thou made free. Do not doubt, for whom I make free, is free indeed. * PROPHETIC INSIGHT By Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA - The Sacrifice of the Ram of Praise Instead of the Death of Your Dream God has not given us the instability of a double-mind. Double-minds hold court and make God prove that his promise is valid every time. God has given us the spirit of love, and faith is energized by the love that is shed abroad in our hearts. Perfection is not our penance, but his perfection pens up all the wild dogs of failure that would tear at us. Praise is the preservation of Gods promise in our lives. Extenuating circumstances in our lives and scripture give us the example of those who were dismayed by the things that whirled around them. We must be as David when everyone was intimidated by Goliath. He knew that God would deliver him into his hands as sure as the lion and the bear. The size of problems and the degree of difficulty are not any obstacle for the power of God to come and sweep away the armies of the adversary. Our praise will always be the provision of the ram in the bush. When we know that we have trusted in the Lord, the Lord will see to it that it will come to pass. As Israel shouted that his mercy endures forever, his mercy did indeed materialize out of nowhere. Praise cannot be denied when it storms the throne of God. He will always stop everything that he is doing to be embraced by the arms of praise from his children. Our dreams are safe with the dream-giver and revealer. He will unroll them like a scroll, and no eraser can remove their existence.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:14:15 +0000

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