PROPHETIC WORD BY DAVID WAGNER FOR 2015: I hear the Holy Spirit - TopicsExpress


PROPHETIC WORD BY DAVID WAGNER FOR 2015: I hear the Holy Spirit saying: It is time for My church to come out of the shadows and shine like never before. The year of breakthrough is upon you. I Am bringing you out into the place of full exposure. Shake off the old stigmas and paradigms and shine like the glorious ones that I have called you to be. The spotlight of heaven is about to illuminate your path like never before. I am opening the eyes of the nations and people of the earth to see me in all of My splendor and majesty. I Am setting a table of abundance in the presence of your adversaries and they shall watch you eat but you will also feed them with My goodness. As the nations taste and see that I Am good they shall come to me like never before. Open up your eyes and awaken to the new day that I have set before you. Do not pull the covers over your heads any longer to hide from the light. It is time to arise it is time to go forth with boldness and power. Do not fear and do not despise the day in which you are living. These are days of anticipation and indeed days of manifestation as I release a fresh anointing upon my people through the church. Many have focused on the negative in the past year. The economy, the government, and the failures of men have been at the forefront in the minds ofmy people. This day I say enough is enough. Am I not bigger than problems, and economy, and corruption? I am the Lord who spoke everything out of nothing and I am about to do it again. Do not let distractions dictate the outcome of your destiny. Trust is paramount and you must choose to trust Me like never before as I open up this next chapter of history to you. Have I not been faithful to you in times past? I Am The Lord who keeps ALL of My promises. Set your eyes on the prize that is before you and do not break your gaze. My eyes are fixed upon you and I Am cheering you on to victory. Remember the words that I have spoken to you in times past and be confident that this is the appointed time of fulfillment and destiny. Do not allow yourselves to be weary in well doing and waiting because your due season has come. It is time to trust me like never before. Although the world around you seems as if it is shaking and falling around you I am still the Lord that holds all things together. Do not let circumstances shake your confidence but remain bold in your faith. Walk by faith and not by sight and I will not only sustain you but I will prosper you throughout this New Year. This will be a year for the people of God to experience new dreams, new visions, and fresh revelation from heaven. Scales are being removed from the eyes of Gods people and they shall begin to see with a new Kingdom perspective. Prepare yourselves for new levels of Kingdom Authority as you carry My Presence into the earth. I am removing the veil that has kept My church hidden and I wiill cause the willing ones to be beacons of light shining in the midst of the darkness. Examine your hearts and take a spiritual inventory of your lives. I am calling you to a place of purpose, destiny, and fulfillment in this year. Pursue Me fully, and lay aside every distraction and weight that would cause you to be entangled with the worries of the world. Kingdom Expansion that is going to be filled with supernatural power. I am calling My church to embrace what I am doing Now even if you do not understand it. I am going to show my marvelous deeds and acts like never before but I am also going to show you My ways that you may walk with me and abide in Me like never before. I am going to display My power and My love publicly in 2015. It is time to step out of the box of limitation and comfort zones. Do not settle for status quo or politically correct. I’m going to raise up people of faith who will push the envelope, move mountains, and get out of the boat. I am releasing a barrier breaker anointing in this season. Things are accelerating in the realm of the Spirit like never before. More will be done in a moment than in a lifetime in the past. The favor and blessing of the Lord are going to overtake His people even in the middle of the trials and testing of these recent days. The birth pains of the earth will continue in 2015 as all of creation waits with eager expectation for the Sons and Daughters of God to be revealed and manifest the Glory of God in the earth. Even though there will be shaking and trembling in this year to come, do not fear, for I Am with you, and in this year I will cover the earth with the knowledge of My Glory. There shall be unprecedented signs, wonders, and miracles upon you.It is time to remove the limitations of small thinking and small vision. God is a great God with big plans for His people and His Church. These are not days to hunker down and decrease but these are days of expansion and increase. The barriers of racism, discrimination, and denominationalism will be broken in the Church and in this nation like never before. I am causing the Remnant to arise and emerge in this New Year. Pursue holiness and walk in righteousness it is not anoption for My people. I am in pursuit of a people of purity. I desire that you have clean hearts and pure hands above all else. “Seek firstthe Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be addedto you.” (Matthew 6:33) In this season I will cause secret treasures to be released to my people, but only to those who will pursue me and not the treasure. I will reveal my face and my heart like never before to those who are willing to seek me in spirit and in truth, for I desire intimacy with my people. Be a people who are willing to go behind the veil. Do not be on the outside looking in, but choose to abide in My Presence. In My Presence, you shall find the blue prints and battle plans for this NewYear. It’s time! God is releasing a fresh anointing upon children and youth. If you want to know what God is going to do next be around the little children and the youth. They shall be containers and vessels of my glory. I have chosen them because they will despise manmade religion and tradition and take on the role of “rebels with a Cause within the church. Spiritual Warriors with hearts filled with love will impact this generation with supernatural power. Holiness as a grace from God will embrace this new breed of fearless believers” Children will be used mightily in healings and miracles in 2015. You must make every effort and move quickly to raise up training and equipping centers in the nations to gather the harvest of this generation. The Lord is going to invade public schools and secular institutions of higher learning with the supernatural. I am about to move by unconventional means to get the truth into the public sector. Young people will cause an “Uprising” in the spirit realm as they seek and speak the truth about falsities and lies being taught as truth by educators. TheSpirit of God has sent out the call for Joel’s army to come forth. This has been prophesied for years but NOW is the appointed time! This is a year of restorative justice. I am turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children to their fathers. Prayer will cause us to see many miraculous family reunions in the body this year. Prodigal Husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters are going to be restored to one another and to the church.This is a year of an unprecedented harvest of souls. In the midst of the calamity and shakings in the earth, I Am stirring up a hunger in the nations to know me like never before. Reach- The Lost Restore- The Broken Relate- to our community Resource- The Gospel Worldwide Release- Sons and Daughters into Destiny
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:22:18 +0000

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