PROTESTANTISM S GREATEST MISTAKE: Antinomianism. Antinomianism is a belief in salvation through predestination. Antinomians believe that they are not obligated to follow any moral or ethical laws because their salvation is secure despite any sin. Antinomians believed that Christians are free from the laws (Greek Nomos) of morality by virtue of Gods grace. Critics charged Antinomians with licentious living. Apparently popular among Gnostic sects, antinomianism was revived among the Anabaptists and by Johann Agricola, a one time student of Martin Luther who retracted his position after arguments with Luther and Luthers associate Philip Melanchnton. Antinomianism was held by members of various sects during the British Commonwealth. Antinomianism in History: Father of despenationalism John Nelson Darby believed in antinomianism, as did those in the movement he founded- the (Playmouth Movement). The (Playmouth Brethren) originated in Dublin, Ireland, about the year 1830...Darby a clergyman in the Church of England, renounced the church, and assumed that all existing church organizations are a detriment to Christianity, obstructive of regeneration and the spiritual life...Moreover, they were confirmed Antinomians. Mr Darby would say that if any man had anything to do with the law of God, even to obey it, he was a sinner by that very act.. Of course they strenuously antagonize inwrought and personal holiness as an utter impossibility, since the old man has a lease of the soul which does not expire till death. Yet they insist that they are perfectly holy in Christ up there while perfectly carnal and corrupt down here in there moral state. Mr. Darby said to the writer, Jesus does not walk about in heaven dropping off fingers and toes, it follows that every believer once incorporated into Christ is absolutely sure of ultimate salvation. The certainty is forever beyond contingencies. No act of sin, even murder can remove us from our standing in Christ. Sin may obstruct communion, and leave the soul in sadness and darkness for a season; but since, as Shakespeare says, all is well that ends well sin in a believer is well since it ends with eternal life. Grace And The Law: It is true that salvation can be found only in Gods grace through faith, and not by human action. However, Antinomianism brings with it a license to continue living in sin, which defies the purpose of salvation in our lives; that is, to free us from sin. (Romans 6:1,2) NKJV explains: What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? As (Romans 3:20) tells, the laws purpose is to show us that we are sinners who need Gods grace. The law is like a mirror that reflects to us our sin. The law gives us the knowledge of sin-the realization that we are sinners and need a Saviour. If there is no law there is no sin see (Roman 5:13) (Romans 7:7) (James 1:22-25). Martin Luther agrees, saying that the person who destroys the doctrine of the law, destroys at the same time political and social order. If you eject the law from the church, there will no longer be any sin recognized as such in the world. Antinomianism forgets that the law has a purpose in our lives today. However, the truth is that the (Ten Commandments), written by Gods finger, still stand today. We must no imagine that the coming of Christ has freed us from the the authority of the law, for it is the eternal rule of a devout and a holy life, and must, therefore, be as unchangeable as the justice of God, which it embraced is consistent and uniform.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:05:19 +0000

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