Page 82 of Times Four Bill nods, and then asks hesitantly - TopicsExpress


Page 82 of Times Four Bill nods, and then asks hesitantly “Like the four temperaments?” I think about that as Bill continues “I saw it on a documentary on TV. I remember that there are four basic personality types and philosophers have recognized them from yonks, even way before Egypt had pharaohs. Those old doctors in Roman and Greek times used to prescribe treatments based on the four temperaments, too.” “Can you remember what they are?” I ask quickly and Bill replies “I remember one is sanguine, which is pleasure-seeking and sociable because I thought how well that describes you, Sarah.” I blink at him, surprised. It is always a shock to see yourself through someone else’s eyes, but Bill is still talking “that’s why I kept watching the programme, because I thought if they have that bit right, then the rest might be worth knowing too.” Bill smiles at me, that long smile of his that starts in his eyes and then spreads across his whole face, a gradual progression like the sun rising and just as awesome. Bill says “I think there is a perfectionist one that likes to get all the boxes ticked, and a relaxed one that thinks everything through carefully and makes things better for other people.” Bill smiles and says “That’s me!” just as I say “That’s you!” at exactly the same time and we both say “Snap!” and laugh together, before I ask “That’s only three types, Bill, so what is the fourth? I think the Maggie one is the perfectionist and the Trish one is relaxed like you, but what is the fourth?” Bill has to think hard for a while before he produces triumphantly “the ambitious leader” and we both exclaim together “Katrena!” We return to our drinks, silent for a while as we both think through this information. I am the first to break the silence “I know you think it is nonsense, Bill, but I can’t stop thinking about other fours. There are a lot of fours in Celtic tradition, like the four major and four minor festivals, four directions and the four quarters and their corresponding four colours, and you know the new age/Louise Hay philosophy is crammed with beliefs about numbers.” Bill sighs as soon as I mention new age and Louise Hay, but asks politely “Like what, love?” I frown at him but continue “Like four means tradition, and solid foundations, and loyalty”. I pause, trying to remember more as Bill nods slowly. “Then there is system and order, wisdom, honesty. Oh, I wish I could remember more, but all I can remember now is the feeling of being real. Four is about realism and wholeness and steadiness and rightness.” I frown at Bill in my frustration and he says equitably “Never mind, love. Don’t worry about it. We can always Google when we get home. Anyway, from what you have already said that sounds like the sort of attributes that I would like to take with me, if I was going to travel to another time and place.” I blink at Bill, recognizing the rightness of his comment, but then I realise that the naughty Bill is back as he looks at me with that twinkle in his eyes as he says “And we must not forget all the other fours, either”.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:05:04 +0000

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