Para san ba eto?????? A -- Authority. Understands authority, - TopicsExpress


Para san ba eto?????? A -- Authority. Understands authority, how it works, and submits appropriately to it. Access. Understands the gift of access and how to give it and receive it appropriately. Assess, Able to assess a problem. B. C-- Command. A commander will command. Confidence. Conduct exudes confidence. Compassion. Appropriate genuine caring within the context. Correction. Quick to correct. Able to receive appropriate correction. Communicates. Able to clearly communicate: Listening and speaking. Commitment. Committed to the assignment, purpose, mission. Completes things. D-- Decision making. Makes timely decisions according to the operational protocol and also able to make independent decisions when such situations a presented. Difference. Has ability to discern difference. E-- Excellence. Promotes excellence, manifests excellence. Encourages. F-- First things. Understands sequence; i.e. first things first, as it relates to order. G-- Goals. Clearly understands, communicates, and generates activity towards goals and completion. H-- Honor. Knows what it is, gives it, and able to receive it. I-- Integrity. Is genuine, honest, forthright. Instruction. Able to give and receive. J-- Judgement. Uses good, informed judgment. K-- Knowledge. Knows the mission. Knows the appropriate skills and techniques and manifests them. L-- Learner. Is a learner and respects the learning process as necessary. M-- Mission. Understands the mission, is committed to the mission. N--No. Able to say no. O-- Order. Promotes order as the accurate arrangement of things. / Able to clearly give and take orders and obey them. P-- Purpose. Knows the purpose on the specific task and how it relates to the larger picture. Problem solver. Is a problem solver. Q-- Quality. Encourages and expects high quality performance. R-- Recognition. Recognizes capabilities of those within the leaders sphere of responsibility. Rewards. Appropriately rewards those who solve problems. Responsibility. Takes responsibility for the area of leadership and is accountable. S--Seeker. Seeks solutions. T-- Thoughtful Teaches. Time. Knows the importance of time. U-- Understanding of others; and situation. V-- Victory. Has victory in mind. Values. Knows them and communicates them. W-- Works. Works, not lazy Y-- Yes. Able to say yes. Z--
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:01:59 +0000

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