Paranormal Metrou Imported Post I know I wasnt imagining it, - TopicsExpress


Paranormal Metrou Imported Post I know I wasnt imagining it, said Beverly Shintaku, operations officer, U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii (USAG-HI) Headquarters, of a recent interaction with the paranormal. Some people dont believe it and they wont until happens to them. Established in 1908, Army installations around Hawaii are saturated with history. Schofield Barracks and Wheeler Army Airfield (WAAF) caught their share of the damage brought about by the attack on Oahu. It is said that many Soldiers killed during this time still roam the installation and some Soldiers and civilians feel their presence today. Hearing mumbling voices, footsteps and laughter when no one is present has been reported by numerous military members, according to Kenneth Hays, an architectural historian with the Directorate of Public Works (DPW). Hays also spoke of reports on the new houses built at Schofield Barracks adjacent to the cemetery. The reports said that the appliances were going off and on and the doors would open and close (involuntarily), said Hays. Additionally, numerous buildings on WAAF have been proclaimed haunted sites due to unexplained voices and encounters. When the USAG-HI Headquarters moved into Building 106 on WAAF more than a year ago, everything seemed normal. Although the staff had been warned by the buildings predecessors of unexplained occurrences, many were skeptical. Everything was fine until employees were forced to confront an episode of ghostly proportions. It was 6:30 p.m. and the sun had begun to set. Only Shintaku and one other employee remained in the building. As Shintaku walked down the dark hallway to the copy machine, she got chills. I heard a mans voice and I knew it wasnt anyone in the building, explained Shintaku. It was a deep voice, but I couldnt make out what it was saying. Footsteps followed. I grabbed my stuff and ran back to my desk, Shintaku said. It was frightening. Shintaku explained the history of the building, stating it had functioned as the health clinic, dispensary and morgue during World War II. It was no surprise to Shintaku to hear deaths may have occurred in the building. Odd things kept happening, mostly during the evening hours, she said. Shintaku spoke of lights turning on and off, computer systems secured with locks becoming unplugged, and coins dropping, seemingly out of nowhere. Some things you just cant explain, said Shintaku. But you know its happening. The hair-raising finale of this story comes as a ghostly presence is felt more and more, from the unexplained chill that passes through the office to voices ringing in the night. DPW blueprints show unexcavated land beneath the building, confirming Shintakus suspicion of bodies buried under the building as well. We dont want to upset anyone here still not at peace, said Shintaku. And I feel its mutual. At various installations around Hawaii, others shared their stories. Hays spoke of a young Soldier named Andrew killed in Building 108 on WAAF during the attack on Oahu, Dec. 7, 1941. Many employees working in the building have reported hearing footsteps and doors opening and closing at night. Similar experiences also have occurred in Building 105. Schofield Barracks E and J quads have reported mumbling voices and laughter along with the presence of a sinister force. Others had similar experiences at Fort Shafters Building 405. The Big Islands Kilauea Military Camp has received many reports of night marchers crossing the campus at night. These ghostly marchers appear to be ancient Hawaiian warriors, according to Hays. Remarkable coincidences have been taking place on the installations and there seems to be a mysterious connection between the living and the dead here. Strange things happen every day and stories of these occurrences never fail to evoke chicken skin and the echoing of oohs and ahs. Ghost Story 1 .I was stationed at Schofield Barracks Hawaii for my first duty station. The barracks were old. Our building still had bullet wholes from when Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor. My room was on the second floor. My Basic Training battle buddy was my room mate. The entire time we shared our room. Nothing really bothered me. Once she had the flu. I overheard her talking in her sleep in a weird voice, but I took it as her being sick. She later decided to move into her own room for more privacy. I guess she had her a boyfriend. After she left is when things started to happen. I had always believed in ghost, but never actually seen one or experienced one. I had never been the type to be afraid of the dark, so every night I slept in complete darkness. One evening after our usual clean up around the barracks, the Army likes to call it a GI Party. All we do is clean, clean, clean. I went up to my room and crashed on my little twin sized, army issued bed. I pulled the covers over me and went to sleep. ..Now what happened next scared me beyond belief. I know almost everyone has had the feeling where they cant move their body or talk, but can hear everything going on around them. Its suppose to be some demon or witch on your chest from what Ive heard. Either way what I experienced that night went beyond that. It was mid-morning, maybe 3am. I awoke. My eyes were open. I had fell asleep on my stomach. I heard giggling in my room. It actually sounded like it was coming from the foot of my bed. I tried to turn my self over to look, but my body would not move. I panicked. I knew I was awake. I could hear everything going on around me. The giggling continued. I started to pray inside my head. Lord Please, save me, fight the evil I was just blurting things out, because of my fear. Next I heard my trash can fall over, and I felt my blankets slowly pulling off me. Something was at the foot of my bed pulling the blankets. Thats when I just began cursing as loud as I could. Every curse word I could think of, I said in my head. I was so scared and used it toward anger. Finally I got my hand to move. I used everything I had in me to get up. I closed my eyes (not wanting to see anything that may screw me up for life) and ran to flick on my light. I knew then it hadnt been a dream. My trash can was knocked over and trash was lying around it, and my blankets lie at the foot of my bed on the floor. I cried from fear. I had never been that scared, where I was so frightened it brought un-controlable tears. I slept with every lamp and light on in my room from that night on. It never came back. Well, to that room. To this day as a mother of two. I still have to sleep with a night light...Just for the record, Prayer, I heard works, but because of how scared I was, I started to call the spirit every curse word in the book. Well, that works too. Also, if you can at least get one part of your body to move, usually the rest will follow along. Ghost Story 2 One morning at about 0430 on my way to work I was running late and didnt want to miss morning muster. I live in military housing in Camp Stover which is located on post in Wheeler Army Air Field (one of the first places attacked on Dec. 7th 1941). It isnt unusual to see troops road march that early in the morning so I didnt think much of it. As I was driving past the old Army Housing there was a Soldier dressed in Desert Camis with a full pack on crossing the street. I had to slow down in order not to hit this guy with my car. I began to get upset because he started walking slower. When I was finally able to pass him I rolled down my passenger window to yell at him, then he disappeared. As soon as the Soldier got to the curb he just vanished. I had no idea what to think or do so I called my wife on her cell phone and woke her up and told her what happened. She didnt believe me at first but once she heard the fright in my voice she knew it wasnt a joke. I dont know who that soldier could have been, but since the war started there have been many Hawaii based Soldiers from Schofield Barracks and Wheeler AAF have been killed in combat and helicopter crashes. Whoever it was, I believe he was just trying to come home. Ghost Story 3 My story is from the Schofield barracks and have been woken up by a person pounding on the door shouting they are attacking get to the arms room now . we had all worked on a all night detail and had the 7th off and was sleeping when about 10 of us who been on the detail that morning heard someone running down the hallway screaming... they are attacking get to the arms room now .. they said we had been drinking and we where seeing things ......untill the CSM told them that he had heard also... for he was in the bathroom at the end of the hall at the time when we where all woke up by the so called pounding of the duty runner going through barracks yelling at people. Ghost story 4 By Jon R. Anderson It didn’t take long for the lady in gray to show up in the boys’ room shortly after the Keen family arrived at their new duty station in Hawaii. It was the winter of 2009. Maj. Jake Keen, his wife Carrie and their two boys had just moved into their new house on Kline Road, lined with palm trees and typical military-issue units on the northeastern edge of the Army’s Schofield Barracks on Oahu. The mysterious woman first appeared before their youngest son in the middle of the night. “He was just 3 at the time and had a very active imagination, so I didn’t think much of it at first,” Carrie Keen says. Then the older brother started seeing her. Eventually, her husband started seeing the apparition, too. “I never physically saw her, but she would definitely let me know she was there. She was very active. We think she had been a maid,” says Keen, who says the presence — whatever it was — lived with them through the entire three years they were stationed in Hawaii. “It got to the point where my husband would close his eyes when he got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because he kept seeing her,” she says. “It was a little freaky at first, but she was never threatening. The boys loved her.” Later, Keen met another spouse who had lived in the same house. Keen probed delicately, asking whether the prior occupant had ever noticed anything strange. “Oh, you want to talk about the ghost!?” came the quick reply, describing to a T the lady in gray. Hauntings on the military’s bases, boats and battlefields are not unusual, says two-time Iraq veteran and Army Reserve Maj. Dave Goodwin. A full-time St. Louis policeman and part-time paranormal investigator, Goodwin has spent more than 20 years tracking ghost stories on current and former military installations and battlefields across the country. “It makes sense that there would be a lot of activity in these military places,” he says, because any time you have intense emotions, violence and dramatic periods of history, they leave something behind.” Although he describes himself as a skeptic — most “sightings,” he says, are the result of overactive imaginations or hoaxes — he’s convinced something decidedly otherworldly is occurring in many of these places. Author of the just-published “Soldiers and the Supernatural,” Goodwin says haunted military installations are great places to visit, whether you see a ghost or not. “These are places dripping in history,” he says. “There’s usually so much to see and learn. The possibility of meeting a ghost is just an added benefit.” Ghost Story 5 This is at Schofield Barracks Army Base here on Oahu, Hawaii. The Haunted House of Canby Fields Legend has it that Canby Field is haunted. This is the way the story goes: IN 1931, the builders broke ground for what was to be a full street of houses. They discovered, to their horror that Canby Field was the site of an ancient burial ground. Now, anyone familiar with the passionate battles over the building of H1, H2,and most recently, H3, know full well how Hawaiians feel about their burial grounds. Their regard for the dead, their remains and their spirits made it necessary to elevate the highways over anything close to burial grounds. This occurred at no small cost. Whenever you see one of the highways elevated on pillars, rather than lying on the natural contours of the terrain, you can bet there is a burial ground below. When the Canby Field burial ground was unearthed, Hawaiian workers walked off the job, refusing to take part in such desecration. The Army Corps of Engineers was called in to finish the job. Only one house was built, the rest of the plan was scrapped in deference to the wishes of the local community. Residents over the years have described inexplicable occurrences such as watercolors, tightly gripped in bulldog clips, drilled and screwed to the walls, coming down with a crash on the stone floor, but not breaking. Strange voices. A heavy potted plant, somehow lifted up and over a railed wall unit,over 5 feet off the ground, and dropped on the ground. One woman said, “Anyone walking in on me then, sweeping up the mess and babbling to the ghost, would’ve had me locked up.” But she made her peace with the“being”, that she was sorry for whatever had disturbed the spirit, but her family had to live there. Her family was never bothered again. Apparently, the previous three families living in that house all had a disabling illness strike one member while living in the house. The family described above did not suffer a similar experience. Ghost Story 6 Live in old housing at Schofield constantly hearing someone walking in the room upstairs when no one is up there my daughter says a little girl stands at the end of her bed at night. My dog barks at things that arent there and the TV and computer turn on and off during the night. My children come downstairs and say yes mom and or yes dad when we havent called them at all. My neighbour on the next Street requested to be moved of course he did not give the true reason.. He kept seeing a soldier in WWII era clothing walking downstairs in his home. The people that moved in after him stayed in the home two weeks and moved off post.... Ghost story 7 Schofield Barracks, Oahu Solomon Elementary School is located on Leilehua Plains on the base of Schofield. Legend has it that it’s a gathering place of Hawaiians and Hawaiian military operations happened there. Solomon is also in the path of the night marchers. Many teachers have reported strange unexplainable things happening both in after-school and during-school hours. Teachers have reported hearing people outside the doors, walking up and down when they have been working late in the evening. When they would look, nobody would be there. Teachers have also experienced in a certain room the radio turning on all by itself. It always happens in the same room. One of the portables near the fields would experience a locking phenomenon. Whenever a teacher would leave, the door would lock from the inside. It’s a deadbolt lock that you can’t lock it from inside, because if it locks from the inside, logically the students could lock you out. In this same room quite recently (maybe a year or so ago) teachers and EA’s reported that their phones would inexplicably call each other. The teacher’s phone would call the EA’s cell phone when neither of them were touching them. Another instance reported that one day the teacher turned off Sesame Street and all of a sudden things started to fly off the shelves. They actually flew around the room. They turned Sesame Street back on and it stopped. Then a few years ago a teacher was leaving late one night when she saw a group of Hawaiian - clothed people walking past the room. She saw them and quickly left the area. My classroom would occasionally get broken into by kids. But these kids were good about breaking in, oddly enough. They would do strange things like clean up all the garbage and never leave a mess. One morning we came into work and found that they broke in, but the room was left open and messy. It was covered in trash and we think the kids got scared off by ghosts, but we will never really know. Personally, I’ve experienced times where I’d been sitting at the computer with my back to the desk, no one around and the windows closed, and I would hear things rattling on my desk, like papers shuffling. There would be no wind, and when I would look up it would stop. But once I looked away it would start again. I would say “Cut it out,” and it would stop. This has happened more than once. I would also be at the door talking to someone in my empty room empty when I would see a man walk from my room to the next, but there would be no man there. Another thing that would happen frequently is that my door would open and close, open and close, all on its own. The kids would always go to see who it was, but there would never be anyone there. According to the Hawaiian priestess, the area that my classroom is in is a porthole or hot spot for activity. There have been so many strange things happening at the school that they would constantly get it blessed. When the rooms were renovated, the construction workers got the two rooms that have the most spiritual activity blessed, without previous knowledge of the hauntings. The school didn’t tell them anything about those rooms. Solomon Elementary School has been blessed by a baptism minister, by the school kupuna, and by Hawaiian priests. One Kahuna spread a little bit of light on why the school may have such spiritual activity. She said that there is a lot of activity there because it is close to the Kolekole Pass where the warriors of Wahiawa and Waianae would meet in battle.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:49:13 +0000

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