Parasites “The World Health Organization categorizes parasites - TopicsExpress


Parasites “The World Health Organization categorizes parasites as among the six most harmful diseases that infect humans. These pathogens now outrank cancer as the number-one killer in the world today, and account for much of the illnesses. The magnitude of these infections is absolutely staggering.” So writes Skye Weintraub, ND, author of The Parasite Menace. Subtitled A Complete Guide to the Prevention, Treatment and Elimination of Parasitic Infection…this is a book everyone interested in stewardship of their health should have in their personal library. “Over 100 common types of human parasites are known,” writes Dr. Weintraub, “and a body can host more than one kind at a time.” Not only that, but each kind of “critter” either divides itself into more (as in the single-celled types of omeba), or lays eggs….some up to a million a day. Yikes! “Parasites are the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of the human race,” observes Weintraub. “We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States, even if it is not being addressed….According to the American Medical Association, physicians only correctly diagnose a disease 16 percent of the time; that’s one out of six. The average medical laboratory is lucky to diagnose parasites 20 percent of the time. Is there any wonder a physician might not connect symptoms, especially vague ones, to parasites?” Let me tell you about the kind of parasite that Weintraub says you can get from eating undercooked pork, for instance…. “The head has four cup-shaped suckers and a double crown of 25-30 hooks. It also has suckers on the body that attach to its host’s intestinal wall….absorbs food through the entire length of its body. When this parasites’wastes are absorbed by its host, it produces toxic side effects….The pork tape worm can remain in the human body for 25 years or more….larva can penetrate the intestinal wall and invade any and all tissues of the body…begins its life developing in the muscles. Then it spreads through the central nervous system eventually migrating throughout the body to various organs. This can cause great harm to its host when the immature larva invades the heart, eyes, liver, spine, or brain. This migration makes the pork tapeworm the most dangerous of all the tapeworms.” And this is just one of the more than one hundred kinds of parasites that you can potentially play host to! Growing up in Iowa, I went to high school with kids from the farm. I learned that it was standard practice to de-worm the cattle and the kids twice a year, no matter what. These days I practice what I refer to as the Iowa Principle, myself. I do a parasite purge twice a year. I suggest that all folks do a parasite purge twice a year. If you’d like information on how, please do fill out and send/FAX to our office the Health Assessment found ‘neath Services on our website ( Once we get that we’ll call and arrange for a phone consultation with you. Cost is a mere $90, not including targeted supplements that you may wish to purchase from us. Dave Frahm, ND HealthQuartes Ministries (719) 593-8694
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:22:28 +0000

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