Parenting. The hardest, most rewarding job you can ever have. - TopicsExpress


Parenting. The hardest, most rewarding job you can ever have. It doesn’t always seem like the most rewarding. And it doesn’t always seem like the most difficult. But it never is easy. Well, maybe when they’re newborns. Wait, what the hell am I thinking. Infants are not easy. You’re too worried your doing something or not doing something. Are they breathing? You sit and watch just to make sure their tiny chest is rising and falling. You rush to their side at every whimper. When what you should be doing is taking a damn nap. The laundry can wait. The dishes can wait. SLEEP for God’s sake while you have the opportunity. You’re so worried about what they should be doing, what you should be doing, at each age and stage, that you simply can’t BE. Be aware that everyday is a new day for both of you. Every day with a baby is brand new experience and will never happen again. Don’t wish it away waiting for their next milestone. Freeze it in your mind. Revel in it and just be! As they grow, you grow and you realize every decision you make, affects not only you. But your child. You aren’t just responsible for yourself anymore. You’re responsible for your needs and that of a innocent child. And that is frightening and humbling at the same time. No matter how prepared or unprepared you are for a child, it’s a learn as you go process. Each and every child is different. And so is every parent. As an infant becomes a toddler, then a young child they gains independence, you question yourself and your sanity even more. You feel every emotion possible. Sometimes all at the same time. It’s overwhelming, it makes your fearful for what might be next instead of excited. You think it should be getting better, getting easier, but it gets harder as they get older. The develop these brilliant minds that know how to work you over. They can persuade you with their puppy dog eyes. They melt your heart with their sweet innocence. They make your heart leap out of your chest with their bravery. They break your heart when they experience pain or illness. Or they overflow the limits of your heart with joy and love and laughter. As a parent, one day can be the best day and the worst day all wrapped up in one. It’s hard to get through the bad days, but we manage. You never want the good days to end, but just like the bad ones, they do. You want to be with them every waking moment, but you also want your own time. Some days taking a bathroom break alone is like a weekend vacation. It’s a struggle to manage it all. There’s toys everywhere. There’s laundry everywhere. There’s a gob of last night’s macaroni and cheese dinner stuck in the carpet. There’s always a thousand and one other things on your to do list. And you’re always stretched just a bit too thin. And you want to know that you are doing the right thing. And you doubt yourself everyday. There is no instruction book. You do what you think is right by what you believe in and pretty much hope that everything turns out ok. Talk about a gigantic leap of faith. And when it gets to be way too much. I turn on Nick Jr and drink wine. That helps too. But I’ll take the boo boo’s and specific pajama requests. The runny noses and the “come wipe my butt Mom“. The difficult mornings and the no nap, sugar high evenings. The middle of the night “Mom, will you sleep with me?” The too tight shoe complaint and the dirty handprints everywhere. Because with all these things comes “I love you Mom,” with hugs and kisses and the sweetest giggles you’ve every heard.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:43:42 +0000

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