Parents and grandparents fill the role of teacher. So do siblings - TopicsExpress


Parents and grandparents fill the role of teacher. So do siblings of the growing child. In this regard, I offer four simple suggestions for your consideration: 1. Teach prayer. We learn to pray by praying. One can devote countless hours to examining the experiences of others, but nothing penetrates the human heart as does a personal, fervent prayer and its heaven-sent response. 2. Inspire faith. I think that there isn’t a member of this Church today who has not been touched by the [pioneers]. Those who did so much for the good of all surely had as their objective to inspire faith. They met the goal in a magnificent manner. 3. Live truth. At times the most effective lesson in living truth is found close to the home and dear to the heart. 4. Honor God. No one can surpass the Lord Jesus Christ in setting an example of living this goal. The fervency of His prayer at Gethsemane says it all: Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. His example on the cruel cross of Golgotha speaks volumes: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. I think it significant that Jesus so loved these little ones who recently had left the preexistence to come to earth. Children then and children now bless our lives, kindle our love, and prompt good deeds.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:00:02 +0000

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