Parents and grandparents need to get involved wherever this is - TopicsExpress


Parents and grandparents need to get involved wherever this is found. Schools have no right to indoctrinate our kids, particularly when pertaining to God. We cannot let them have our kids. If you believe Jesus is the One and only God and that Islam is a destructive force stand up and speak up. Islam is not a religion it is a ideology of oppression and tyrrany. It is evil to its core and anyone who is complacent towards it is complicit in our demise. If so called peaceloving muslims have their way there would be streets lined with theheads of infidels. Our women would be enslaved and our children will be sold like cattle. This is no feaking joke folks. They are playing for keeps. You only need look at all the Moslem nations and what is happening there to see what is coming here. They already have a foothold and are gaining strength daily. Although I do expect a direct militay attack on our homeland it is also evident that each and every government agency has been seized and popukated with radical progressive or muslims or sympathizers and they have an agenda. They have armed themselves to the teach, diverted our military to fight bs diseases that could kill them. More and more foreigners are being trained here in the US suchas the UN Peacekeeping Forces. I also believe there are tens of thousands of Jihadis already here lurking in the shadows of their mosques or directly training for war inside the US. THIS SCHIT IS SCARY. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. SPEAK UP!!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:29:06 +0000

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