Part 1 No doubt youve heard of the 7 deadly sins. Well the - TopicsExpress


Part 1 No doubt youve heard of the 7 deadly sins. Well the truth is ALL sin is deadly because the Bible says the wages of sin is death. But what ARE these 7 dangerous behaviors? Well I dont necessarily agree with some of the practices of Catholicism but I will outline these 7 dangerous behaviors and why its a good idea to avoid them. We start with the first. Bear with me because this will be a long lesson. I will probably split it into two parts or maybe even more. Wrath: There are two different types of wrath. Sinful, self-serving wrath, and Gods holy wrath against sin. Wrath is fierce and unquenchable anger. Human wrath is what drove Cain to kill his brother Abel. Human wrath encourages us to lash out at our fellow man when they wrong us. To avenge ourselves when we are wronged. Wrath can also be defined as anger to an excess. Now is it a sin to be angry? The Bible says, Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Now notice the word wrath in that verse? Yep, this verse ties in with this, and lets us know the dangers of sinning in our anger. So by this verse it is possible to be angry and yet not sin. Difficult but possible. So the next time youre angry about something just find a nice, quiet place away from people that you could possibly injure verbally and cool off. Now we talk about Gods wrath against sin. God is our holy Heavenly Father and He cannot tolerate sin. He will not let it go unpunished. That is why our human wrath can be dangerous. It can lead us to sin which in turn will lead us to death if we continue in it. Bottom line: do as the verse above mentions and dont let the sun set on your anger. Greed: Now heres one that ALL of us fail at regularly. Greed says, Gimme gimme gimme. Well, to that I say, Gimme got his neck broke, trying to ride a billy goat. as the old phrase says. All kidding aside, greed is also a dangerous sin because when we fall prey to it what we have is never enough. We want more and more and more. To illustrate greed in its proper context, let me pose to you a situation. Lets say that you, the person, go into a casino (I wouldnt go in there but Im not going to judge.) and you win a small sum of money on, oh lets say a poker table. Now, having won said money you think to yourself, Hey, Im on a roll here. I should keep on going. Maybe Ill win even more! So you do exactly that. You win again. Now youre carrying around about $25,000 in chips around with you. Now youre thinking, Hey, Easy Street, here I come! Now you place a huge wager on the Big Six Wheel and you strike the Joker and win over a million dollars. Now, after all of that youre STILL not satisfied and you go and place all of the money down on a horse race and lose it all. Ouch! You have just fallen victim to greed not once but FOUR times. You may not have even realized that you DID fall for this common trap. You see greed, when it fully blooms, will take you much farther than you would ever want to go. Why not? It IS a tool of the devil after all. Now youre flat broke without even a way to get back home. See how dangerous greed is? Greed may LOOK like a beautiful flower, but it has thorns and theyre always growing. Sloth: No Im not talking about the mammalian animal. This type of sloth is actually laziness. A Christian should NEVER be lazy at any point in time though we all do fall prey to it on numerous occasions. A Christian should be doing their duty at any time and should always be ready to help out those less fortunate than ourselves. We must look after orphans and widows, Feed and clothe the hungry and the poor, and many other duties as well. We should preach and teach when the opportunity arises and we should do so with patience and humility. You cant just get saved, sit back, and say, Well thats it. Im on my way to Heaven so I can kick back and relax. There is nothing WRONG with resting. God did so on the 7th day after He had finished all of His work, but it must not become a CONSTANT thing. Basically dont sit back and not do ANYTHING for God. Pride: Now this one is rampant among society at large today. It is commonplace to see people flaunting their wealth, their large houses, their expensive sports cars, and everything else that they can. Now will I say that theres anything WRONG with being happy when you accomplish something? Well, it depends on how you act about it. If you use your accomplishments to knock others down to make yourself look good, then that IS wrong. That is, in and of itself, pride and pride is a sin. There is something called the pride of life. In fact, did you know that God hates it when people have a proud look about them? In fact, the Word says, But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Thats right. God resists proud people in their haughtiness. If you accomplish something, be humble about it. After all, we cant do anything apart from God. If youve been living in arrogant pride, try living in humility. God resists proud people. Remember that.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:07:09 +0000

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