Part 2: “Guess what, I have just been asked by the cutest guy - TopicsExpress


Part 2: “Guess what, I have just been asked by the cutest guy out. I met him at the gym yesterday, actually I have seen him there before and we have always just sort of greeted each other in passing. I think he’s cute and I like him. I think he likes me too, judging by the way he usually looks at me. I guess yesterday he finally gathered the courage to ask me out. Oh my gosh, I’m so happy and nervous too”, she kept on going on and on, without giving me a chance to comment. That was one thing I liked about her, she talked a lot, and since I was the quiet one, that suited me fine. Right now I wasn’t too sure what I was gonna say as a response, and so I was happy she kept on talking. “But I don’t really know him that well, so I don’t know. That’s why I came to talk to you, do you think I should go?” “Er, well….” “What if he is a psycho or something?” “Stop being paranoid”, I finally managed to get a space to talk, “choose a public place for the date, and insist that he meets you there, not pick you up”, I offered my few cents. “You are right….oooooh you should see him. He’s the cutest guy I ever laid my eyes on. I will send you pics from his FB page. Are you guys still offline because of that virus problem? Otherwise I can send them to your phone?” “We should be back online this afternoon. They are now just installing patches on all our computers before getting them back online. So you can send them there”. We spend the rest of the lunch talking about her prince charming. For the first time in a long time I didn’t enjoy spending lunch with her. It was totally weird I must say. I mean, what was my problem? Was I jealous? Eventually lunch ended and I escorted her to her car. She was not going back to the office but to see a client, hence she brought her car. Her office, just like mine, was within a walking distance from Pete’s café. I bid her farewell and she went her way. As I walked back to my office, I decided to take the long route, which was via the park. The schools must have been out because the park was filled with school children engaged in various activities. On the far end I could see the old lady feeding doves. She must have done this for years and the doves sure knew her because the minute she pushed her trolly to enter the park, they were already all around her. I watched her intensely as she fed the birds. Some of the birds will constantly try to bully the others and she will step in to break the fight. She also spread the food even to those that stood a bit far, seemingly afraid to venture too close to where all others were fighting for the food. I glanced at my watch, then decided to pass by the pond which was right in the middle of the park. It was carefully enclosed by a small fence, to try keep people away from getting too close and hampering the animals that were part of the pond. As I stood there looking at the pond, my mind began to wander away. I kept on thinking about what she said and how I took it. It dawned on me that I certainly had feelings for her. I kicked myself for not having asked her out while I had a chance. Now some dude has just overtaken me. I could count the number of times I had a chance and an opportunity to ask her out but didn’t. I hid behind the “we are friends, I don’t wana spoil the friendship” excuse. But where did that get me? Another guy has come in and spoiled the very friendship I was trying to conserve. I wished I could turn back the clock because then I will certainly ask her out. It didn’t matter what would happen, our friendship will survive. After all it survived that grade 0 incident, or rather it was formed from it. So it has seen worse. I was still standing there when a message to my phone disturbed the peace. I took a quick look at it and found that it was the office. Everything was cleared and we were allowed to connect to the network and resume work. Working in a financial institution is always hectic, and missing a whole morning’s work can bring some chaos trying to catch up. So without hesitation, I headed to the office. Her email was already there when I arrived. It was a good 5 megabytes in size because of several attachments. “It must be the pictures”, I thought to myself. Quickly I began saving them and then I opened them. I was confused for a second. I knew the guy. Actually almost everyone knew him. The pictures were that of Denzel Washington. A well known actor. Then there was a small text file attached as well. Inside was a short message that said: “Happy April Fool’s day my friend. I can only imagine your face when reading this. I wonder if its anywhere close to the one I see during lunch time today. Yes there’s no guy and yes, this was me having a fun April fool’s day joke on you, especially after what you did to me last year. Please call me when you get this because I wana hear the sound of our voice…:-)”. She was right, the previous year I had pulled the biggest prank on her, she said I had ambushed her and I was gonna pay. I had totally forgotten about that. But now I was relieved that there was no cute guy to worry about. But I also had learnt that unless I act, a cute guy might well come along. Well, to cut the long story short, I asked her out on a date that very same Friday. That was just before winter started. We are planning our wedding this spring, and that’s no April fool’s joke. I don’t know why I waited so long but I’m glad April fool got me to act. Best part though is that I;m glad she said yes, and I’m happy I’m marrying my best friend. Let me know if you want an invite to our wedding….:-) The End.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 04:31:19 +0000

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