Pastor Enoch messages 30 Nov - 17 Dec - TopicsExpress


Pastor Enoch messages 30 Nov - 17 Dec 2014 THE IMAGES OF MY ADVERSARY SUPPLANTING MY SON HAVE ALREADY BEGUN TO CIRCULATE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD! NOVEMBER 30, 2014 12:10 P.M. URGENT CALL OF MARY MYSTICAL ROSE TO THE SONS OF GOD Little children of my heart, may my maternal love and protection be always with you and may the light of the Holy Spirit of God illuminate you. Little ones, my adversary incarnate is preparing to do his apparition, his emissaries already have in place all the logistics for the show of deception to begin. I want to put you on alert so that you not be drawn after the deceptions, because very soon you will see in the firmament images of my adversary trying to pass himself off as my Son, projected holographically. Millions of my little children will fall for this deception and will follow the false god, spreading throughout the whole world the news that the messiah, long awaited by humanity, is now in your midst. People of God, do not fall for it; you know well that all this is part of my adversary’s deception, who seeks to take possession of the greatest number of souls so as to destroy them! Remember that my Son will not come to this world in flesh and bone, except in all his splendor and glory after you have been purified; He will dwell with you spiritually in the New and Celestial Jerusalem, where you will be spiritual beings of a nature similar to that of the angels. My adversary’s images supplanting my Son have started to circulate throughout the whole world. People of God, do not take these images to your homes, because all his propaganda is tainted with occult rituals. These images will come to life in the kingdom of my adversary; stand firm, my little children, in the Faith and do not for any reason let yourselves be seduced by the emissaries of evil that will knock at the door of your homes, giving as a gift the black bible of my adversary together with his images. What sorrow in my heart of Mother of Humanity to know that many will sell their soul for money! The living room temples where cult will be rendered to my adversary will increase in number and many, for lack of knowledge of the Holy Word of God and his messages, will allow themselves to be dragged by my adversary’s followers. Witchcraft, Satanism and Occultism in all their forms, will propagate and all my adversary’s malice will be commercialized and be freely sold as if it were something normal. The spiritually sick will meander through the streets and blood will flow in abundance; therefore, my little children, once again I say to you: do not go out without having put on your complete Spiritual Armor (cf Ephesians 6:12), do not forget to extend it to cover your families, so that all may be under divine protection, because you do not know the malice and the malicious forces you may have to face. God’s creation is starting to be darkened by evil entities that wander already in space. Recollect yourselves in prayer, do not be stubborn, the spiritual battle has begun; pray every moment with ejaculatory prayers to the most Precious Blood of my Son; pray my Holy Rosary as often as you can, call to me saying, “Hail Mary most pure; Mary most Holy, conceived without original sin”, and my adversary will flee from you. Little children, every time you feel you’re mind is under attack, say the exorcism prayer of the Precious Blood of my Son; remember that I gave you the gift of two exorcism prayers through my beloved son, Enoch; look for them in the message of July 7 of this year, and memorize them, so that you can battle these malignant forces that seek to control your minds in order to bring you to despair, to rob you of your peace, and to make you lose your souls. Keep in mind, therefore, all these instructions that we are giving you through our messengers, for these times of so much darkness; read the Word of God that you may remain strong in the Faith and thus united in a chain of prayer with the help of the Heavenly Armies and with my protection and intercession, we may extirpate from the face of the earth my enemy and all his evil minions. May the peace of God accompany you, little children of my heart. Your Mother who loves you, Mary, Mystical Rose. Make known these messages of mine to all humanity. ===================================================================================================== DURING THE TIME OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, TECHNOLOGY WILL BE USED TO MANIPULATE THE HUMAN WILL! DECEMBER 12, 2014 - 8:50 A.M. URGENT CALL OF JESUS, THE GOOD PASTOR, TO HIS FLOCK Peace to you, sheep of my flock. During the time of my adversary, all the technology of this world will be at his service. Already trial runs and installation into electronic apparatus is underway of technologies that will emit waves into the brain that will modify human behavior. By means of those telephones that you call cellulars, all my adversary’s malice and deception will be spread; that being of iniquity will communicate holographically with humanity by means of the cellular and all technology will be used to subjugate the human population. My children, the evil use of technology is robbing the soul of my youths and it will be they who are the most vulnerable in the time of my adversary, because the young are more prone to use this technology of death. During the time of the New World Order, all technology will be used to manipulate the human will. Big Brother, as this technology will be called, will take control of the mind of all those that use it; electromagnetic waves charged with spiritual venom will make all the persons who use these technologies act counter to their wills; now they’ll act as zombies, now as savage wild beasts, they will be handled like marionettes. Subliminal messages will affect the cerebral waves, reducing these users of the technology into guinea pigs. All of this technology, which is about to come out onto the market, has as its purpose to manipulate the human will. Big Brother will enslave the immense majority of humanity; you will be spied upon, day and night, without being aware of it, you will be tracked wherever you may be, and should someone attempt to rebel, his or her brain will be electrocuted to bring about death. Remember that in the time of my adversary, all will be managed with the microchip, I tell you this so that you understand everything. Satellite technology is being tested to serve the interests of my adversary during his time. Holographic figures with spiritual images will be projected in the firmament. My adversary will display himself as the Christ and Messiah for the Catholic, Jewish and Christian world; as Buddha for orientals, as Krishna for the Hindus, as Mohammed and Allah for the Muslims. The holographic images will move and speak, and the immense majority of humanity will fall for the deception, and render cult and honor to my adversary as if he were God Himself. Listen to my Word: he will work great prodigies, even so great as to make fire descend from the sky to the earth in the sight of men. “They gave power to the statue of the beast even to the point of making it talk and having it slay all those who would not adore it” (cf. Apocalypses 13: 13 – 15). My children, prepare because the days of anguish are near; remember that all is a deception of my adversary and his agents of evil to get you killed; see, I forewarn you so that when this happens you not render cult to the beast, because if you do, you will be eternally lost. Seal yourselves with my Blood and hide in my Wounds; take all spiritual contamination to the Wound in my left hand; do not accept the mark, neither use the technology of death about to come out, for it will be at the service of my adversary. Seal with my Blood, again I say to you: televisions, computers, telephones, cellulars, radios, transistors, and all the gadgets my adversary can use to filter his voice to you. Remember that you will be as sheep in the midst of wolves; be, therefore, as meek as doves and as astute as serpents; do not get separated from our Two Hearts so that you may be able to arrive safe to the gates of the New Creation. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Your Teacher and Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times. Make known my messages to all humanity. ========================================================================================================== MY PEOPLE, ALL HAS BEGUN TO TREMBLE; START GETTING USED TO LIVING WITH TELLURIC MOVEMENTS, BECAUSE MY EARTH WILL BEGIN TO WOBBLE IN ALL OF ITS CONTINENTS! December 17, 2014 – 8:35 A.M. URGENT CALL OF GOD THE FATHER TO HIS INHERITANCE Peace to you, my people, my inheritance. The year that is about to begin will be one of great agitation, given that my creation will enter into the stage of the great transformation. The duration of time will be shortened due mostly to the accelerated rotation that my earth will undergo, on account of all the changes to be realized in the universe and in its interior. The duration of time will be of 14 hours; prepare yourselves, my people, so that you will be able to cope in the days that draw near for they will be of great movement and agitation in your lives and in my creation. Do not give in to panic, know that all is part of my will so that tomorrow my faithful remnant may dwell in my new heaven and in my new earth. My people, all is beginning to be agitated: accustom yourselves starting now to the telluric movements, for my earth will start to wobble in all its continents! The birthing pains of my creation will begin to be felt; keep calm, pray, sing praise and do penance; do not faint, do not lose faith, because all of this about to begin I am announcing to you with much anticipation, that you may prepare and not be taken by surprise. Water will become scarce due to these changes to be suffered by my creation; store up provisions starting now of this natural good, because the moment will come in which you will not be able to drink it for all the contamination that will fall from the sky and for the rough climatic changes to come. There will be scarcity of food so start to make provisions; store grains and non perishable foods; do not put this off till the last hour, because once these days arrive you will find none. Heed my words and put them into action, so that you can survive in the days of scarcity and anguish that are approaching. Intone canticles of praise to your Father in those days, as my three youths did when they were thrown into the oven by the king, Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:51). The praises you sing to your Father will make more bearable the approaching trials and none of those who praise me will die. Remember that you will be tested as gold is tested in the fire, so that tomorrow you can shine like crucibles and be worthy of being my Chosen People. Prayer, praise, fasting, penance ought to be your spiritual stronghold in those days; do not forget it, because many are going to be lost for their lack of prayer and for their weak faith. I tell you that never before has such tribulation ever been seen on the earth as that which is about to start; that is why I am asking you to pay attention to my instructions that as Father I give you, so that tomorrow you will not be lost upon the passing by of my Divine Justice. Remain in my peace, my people, my inheritance. Your Father, Yahweh, the Lord of Nations. Make known my messages to all of humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:19:56 +0000

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