Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Thursday September 18, - TopicsExpress


Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Thursday September 18, 2014 Galatians 4:4, But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, Look at all that the fullness of time encompassed at the day of Jesus coming. After the Babylonian captivity, Israel as a nation never turned back to idolatry again. The Jews had developed synagogues and had the completed Old Testament, something that would facilitate the spread of the gospel. There was a common language throughout the known world installed when Alexander the Great conquered the area. This would break down any language barrier that existed between nations. Now that Rome was in power, a vast network of roads were in place and shipping between nations was wide open. Socrates had taught Plato, Plato had taught Aristotle, and Aristotle had taught his student Alexander the Great.. But human philosophy had run its course, Greece was still considered to be the center of human wisdom, but when we see the Apostle Paul enter into Athens we are told that the Philosophers spent their time in nothing else but either to tell of or to hear some new thing (Acts 17:21). It was at this time that God sent His Son. The idea behind Messiah being the Son of God is that he would have the essence and nature of the Father. Jesus was born of a woman which speaks of his humanness. It is why Jesus is the perfect mediator between the Father and man. He was born under the law. To be born under the law means that He lived under the weight of all of its burdens. It became the ministry of sin, wrath, and death, that apprehended, bound, condemned and killed Him. For a short period of darkness it brought perceived victory to the demons of darkness and failure to the legions of the light. But this was the fullness of Gods time for mans salvation and not the day of the Devil. It was all the wisdom of God and the power of God for the salvation of all mankind. Galatians 4:7, Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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