Pastor Moment .. Like Jesus vs. A Positive Difference Have - TopicsExpress


Pastor Moment .. Like Jesus vs. A Positive Difference Have you seen those pictures on Facebook that have a caption saying something such as “Like if you love Jesus”? Now, although I love Jesus, I don’t think I have ever liked these pictures. Why? I don’t think it makes any difference to people’s lives. Has anyone ever looked at those pictures appearing on their Facebook wall and thought ‘I must become a Christian’? I imagine not. There has to be a better way of putting the gospel out there. Right? I read some research recently that said that the average young person checks facebook on their phone 13 times a day. (And that’s just facebook...) Personally I think it’s more, but think about what you’re reading or looking at when you’re on social media. Does it change your life to hear what that person in the class above you is eating this lunchtime, or that your best friend’s sister is really tired, or if that person you met once two summers ago can’t wait to go out this weekend? If it doesn’t make a difference to you to read their posts, do you think that your posts make a difference to them? So why not post a link to your favourite worship song? Why not post your favourite bible verse? Why not put a quote from another Christian? If you hear that someone is going through a tough time, why not sent them a private message? You could even post a link to today’s Word 4U 2Day reading. It’s those sort of things that will change people’s lives, because it can help people to focus on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Always remember to be positive, never judgemental, and always make Jesus the focus of a discussion. Ephesians 5:15-16 says “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity...” We need to make the most of every opportunity that is in front of us. I imagine that the disciples only wished they had Facebook, Twitter and other social media: the ability to communicate with potentially millions of people with the life changing gospel. So too should this be your attitude; make the most of every opportunity, the opportunity that is in front of you right now. Go and tell someone about Jesus, you never know, it may change their life forever
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 02:52:36 +0000

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