Paul Watson vor 4 Stunden. A poem about nothing which in - TopicsExpress


Paul Watson vor 4 Stunden. A poem about nothing which in actuality is a poem about everything. By Captain Paul Watson Not Much Ado About Nothing What is nothing? To know all about nothing is to know everything. And to believe one knows everything is to know nothing. But how to know when nothing is there? The zero is something that must be there, in order to say that nothing is there. There is often much ado about nothing, Yet nothingness lies coiled in the heart of the cosmos, Like an invisible worm. Does the finite reside in the infinite? Or is it the infinite lurking inside the finite? Omnibus ex nihil decebdis sufficit unum* There is no permanence, all matter decays to nothing. And out of nothing all matter originates. The biggest nothing is dark matter Here there is five times as much nothing as something And everything is influenced by the dark flow A movement of nothing that keeps all things on the go The second biggest nothing is the black hole. Into nothing is captured something, to be absorbed into nothing. It’s all creation and annihilation. And as such, a waste of the space time continuum. Or is it? Without time there is nothing. Without nothing, there is no time. For space is the nothing in which time travels. Confusion becomes more sophisticated, As quantum mechanics exposes the culprit as nothing Yet despite atoms being 99.9% nothing, We can’t walk through a brick wall. Perhaps our bodies are immaterial, Constructed out of nothing, by the power of thought. Objects in dreams can be seen, yet do not exist, So reality could be a dream of great quantities of nothing. Out of nothing we were born, Into nothingness we disappear. Blackness is the nothing when the spectrum is removed, Yet all the colours dissolve into whiteness. And white and black are both reflections of nothing. And we believe in things we don’t even know we believe in, Belief shaping nothing into something And thus our lives are shaped by nothing, And out of that nothing comes everything that we are. And everything we will be, before being nothing again. In the meantime nothing can trick us into believing in something, And that something is of course nothing at all. Nor was it ever something inside of the boundaries of nothingness. And beyond the boundaries of nothingness is nothing, But nothing ventured, nothing gained Although all that can be gained is nothing. There is nothing to be gained by writing about nothing, Except to attempt to grasp what nothing is, or is not. And once grasped, the something that is nothing, Becomes of course, nothing at all. • One suffices to deprive all out of nothing • January 1st 2009
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 14:05:52 +0000

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