Paulo Mellett is a friend in need ... Dear Friends and - TopicsExpress


Paulo Mellett is a friend in need ... Dear Friends and Colleagues of Paulo, I am writing this email to his contact list again, in case you havent been able to keep up with the updates on facebook. Paulo has had a very trying week and has been giving us a big roller coaster ride. On Tuesday, in the early hours of the day (2am) I got the dreaded call to go into hospital as the conditions had changed. That translated as Paulos having had a cardiac arrest. His heart resumed beating after 17 minutes of heart massage. When I arrived at the hospital, I just held his hand for hours and willed his heart into resisting. His heart beat was over 136 bpm for about 8 hours, going over 150 at times. He proved to have the kindest and biggest iron heart I have ever seen. That morning, I was just praying that he would last until his parents arrived. However, between some fierce healing, buddhist rites, his parents arrival and the appearance of Dr. House (a young, bold, competent, beautiful and kind doctor) Paulo started to stabilise and get incrementally better as the hours went by. After another slightly difficult night on Tuesday, from Wednesday onwards he started showing some real signs of improvement, little by little one day at a time. The malaria parasite count reduced massively, getting down to zero yesterday. As the parasites left his body, his vital systems could begin to slowly recover. He is on continuous hemodialysis as his kidneys stopped working, its a superb machine, almost better than actual kidneys (his kidneys will eventually start working again). Paulo would approve of the amount of gadgets that are keeping him alive. Anyway, for two days in a row now, more liquid has been taken out that what gets put in, so hes losing liquid and has started looking like Paulo again. This means there is less pressure on all the internal organs, which are slowly awakening. His heart is pretty much keeping the blood pressure on its own, with just a tiny amount of nora adrenalin. His heartbeat is stable. He is making his own platelets, red and white blood cells now (after receiving hemocomponents from about 50 donors). Hes got no sign of seizures in the brain. Hes started to receive food through a g-tube. His breathing has improved greatly and we are hoping in the next few days, they will wake him up and remove the ventilator. Today, the doctors stopped all sedation to see how he reacts, they will re-sedate him until eventually they wake him up for good. Now comes the next big challenge, bringing him back to consciousness to find out what damage the hurricane of malaria combined with the cardiac arrest has done to his brain. We are fervently praying that his brain will be as perfect as ever. I ask you to join us in this visualisation: perfect, healthy, happy Paulo with an intact brain ready to dream up more designs for planetary regeneration. The hospital has been incredibly supportive, the doctors absolutely committed and they do consider Paulos parents and I as part of the team that will bring him back to health. In the ICU isolation room hes in, we use crystals, essential oils, bird song (some tribes in the Amazon say that if a person that is ill hears the song of the Uirapuru, they regain their health), tychon energy, reiki, praying, singing, mantras, etc. Its really cute, the nurses make his bed and then put all the crystals back into the right places. I have found Paulo and I have an incredible network of support and friendship, and I truly believe hes getting the best possible care he could be getting in an environment full of love and dedication. His parents are super looked after by hospital staff and his main doctor is considered the best doctor in the hospital. It has also been great to have his parents here giving their calm and loving attention. We still have a long road ahead of us, but I am optimistic and have tried to stay strong surfing forward on the wave of my love, which as great as he deserves. Please see my invitation below join us, one more time, on this network of healing to help him bring his consciousness back in a balanced and relaxed way. Any replies please write to ruth.andrade@gmail Much love Ruth x
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:47:46 +0000

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